Monday, December 24, 2007

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 5

There are surprises today at office which i did not manage to take pic

(1) Stalk of flower nicely wrapped given by the temp gals
(2) a pooh bear soft toy hp holder from Donut
(3) a Hello Kitty Uno card set and same kitty water tumble from Lisa & Winn. They feel i will be lonely once moving over to the new workstation and it is too far from pantry. So thoughtful!
(4) SMS and e greetings

Every little and big wishes are precious :)

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 4

From a little gal that top blown up too big wahahahaha

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 3)

haaaaa finally someone learnt wat is the true colour of purple!

got to give lecture many times before he got the shade rite wahaahahahahha

Thanks and thanks for giving present on time.

Guess wat u got from me, u probably had already. But as i pre-warned, you kind of nice gesture to say u yet to have it. Nevertheless u should start using this new one and discard the old haaaaaaa

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 2a)

the harmless looking case.

So actually when i got it, din bother to open cos too lazy to fold back.

Then was reminded to open and see haaaaaa

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 2)

This one from new office colleague. She was my angle

Got it on friday during the not so pleasant lunch though

But it is so funni. Suppose a pillow case.

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 1

I dun bother if the presents are expensive or not. As long as they are sincere gifts from friends :)

Dun think i can post many pics in one post.

Start this with Wei Pei (received on 22 Dec 2007). Wore it on 23 Dec 2007 during Charity sales

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Help out @ Christmas Charity Bizzard

Today is finally the day i have to help out at our company charity function.

Went out house at 8.45am despite sale to be start at 10am. Din want to be late and thought it was good to go early n set up.

Reached venue at about 9.40am n no one there. Luckily a aunty came and she spoke to me. At first got abit panic as not sure which stall meant for me. All were covered up with canvas. Finally managed to settle down.

At 1020am, my 'buddy' had not turn up. Quite piss as got to set up stall. And no one to brief. Then came a guy who was suppose ( i still think) e main organiser. He came and was telling me wat to do, set up this and that. Well, ur friend here of cos not happy. Told him to go and set up the hook for hanging clothes instead :P e wife was rather rude and the kid was helping in an unhelpful way!

Finally 'buddy' came.

In between, was rather shocked that ppl actually came and bought items. I was like the first among all to start having biz (so pleased). I din really bother when ppl came over as was setting up stall. But it was quite interesting and abit cunning of me lah. I jus let the kids play with the toys and guess the mummIES were feelin abit bad and hence bought the items haaaaaa. Maybe i should credit my display strategy. Place those Pokemon CDs prominently and some toys that were so handy for kids to touch n play haaa

My buddy was such a quiet person and she jus took one of the books to read. So i kept running to another stall to chit with other colleagues (whom i still dun know their names haaa).

As mentioned, there are unsolicited sales n tend to come over to me heehee.

At about 11+, i was getting very tire already. My chair was taken by 'buddy' so was standing there for an hour over. Finally 'buddy' realised that and got me a chair haa.

So wat were we selling? GOSH... 2nd hand items. There are kiddy toys and 2nd hand books. And some other environmental books by a society.

At 12+, 'buddy' and i each read own books. And realised that only me tend to give silly smile whenever someone approach our stall.

At 2+, two veteran staff came and told us excitedly that they bought more things to sell. Was anticipating for better quality thingys. But...... almost faint! WOnder who were those ppl who so bad give bad and smelly clothings for sale! i mean even if we are talking about 2nd hand items here, there must be QC mah!!!

Still feel abit sour. I think that 'buddy' din wan to dig through the stack n got me do it. The pungent smell and disgusting stain on those clothes really make me puke!! And my face got itch, guessed must be the dirt flying ard.

In the end, we jus put two boxes meant for toys and clothes separately. Managed to dig out a colourful pants and put it on top purposely. Guess wat! Bingo!! ppl actually buy it. GOSH.

There was a v touching moment. An aunty came over with a pile of books and told us that since it was meant for charity, she took her daughter's unused novels to contribute to our pool of items to sell. At least the novels are well maintained.

Left the place at 230pm. We had more cash than wat was recorded. Guess i must have forgotten to record down haaaaa.

Headed down to another level. got a xmas present and then pairs of shoes. As usual, it took me jus than 3 min to buy the shoes. Buying shoes go by the heart. If the design or the look catch my heart and price is ok (my ok is really like less than $20) will ask for the size walk 3 steps, check the quality and pay. No dilly dally hee

Nothing for tops as i m too fat liao. Really nowadays sizes r shrinking. YUCK!

Spoke to my ex collauge for almost an hour on the phone. Was very touched that some of them stil rem me and wanted to invite me over to their Xmas office party. But declined. Dont think appropriate for me to appear now that there are some internal politics. Better let them bond. Hopefully they will iron out conflicts asap. Very heartache. As it took me so much efforts to get a team and built their espirt de corp (lookin back, i actually transferred some who like to create office politics out of it despite lack manpower, but everyone were willing to take on more work). But it jus take one to two people who cannot split work and r'ship to ruin it. Anyway m in no position to say anything.


Saturday, December 22, 2007


to think of it, such a long time since shop w Sleepy.

V happy tdy. Met her tis afternoon. Shopped awhile,had afternoon tea. And got a pair of earrings from her as Xmas present!

But i do appear tire and talk far more less than last time. heehee old liao mah. N with such weather, recently i sleep alot alot more.

Came back early to actually zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. WOke only at 9pm u know!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

the little secrets and fears

I din really dare to tell out front that i yearn for KTV singing but at same time still worry.

Sometimes, the eyes jus wet by itself. Usually when a song stir emotion.

I have yet to step into singing box since last nov. Hence not sure how i will react. The problem is i dun wan to wet anyone else mood.

Truely, aft one yr i become stronger n braver.

It only that we are still human after all...

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Did almost 30min of hula while watching the Star Awards.

Nothing much to choose from tv programmes. There was news on CNA, Snow Dogs on Channel 5, Korea period drama on U and then the awards.

Still sweating now n awaiting to take bath and do eye mask :)

Still lazy to pack my bag for tmr

now u know why i gettin worry with this sluggish attitude

Lost again

There are many things i need to do. But once back at home, pace got stagnant again.

So wat does it mean?

It really waste of time. Am so angry with myself.

Not focus, not time sensitive.

Need inspiration jabs continuously.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

learnt these today:

Actually they are 对联 but also 诗词


Political twist:


Disgusted experience at Compass ActionCity


Went there to get a Xmas present for office exchange on 21st Dec 2007.

First, there were a couple of sales persons but they din offer to assist.

2nd, was then told to buy first then get the stuff for testing.

3rd, the gal who did the testing pull her face long and tookd her own sweet time. After that, crudely told me to queue up next time.


There was no human queue in front of me.

I was not told that there is queue in front of me.

She retailated she had alot of gifts to wrap.

MORE shocks!

She could have tell me that she need to finish wrapping. Btw the presents were not on the table and also i was not pushy. Was only asking if that is the correct counter for the testing as the 2nd staff jus look at this 3rd staff.

U know wat happen the next thing?

She slammed thing on floor when i reminded her to mind her customer service.

Great act, gal.

I wrote to the company and awaiting their response.

My conclusion:
Quite obvious this gal is tire
She could have wrap presents endlessly and got pissed
Only she is doing the wrapping and testing. There were some who jus STAND THERE.
She was not trained how to communicate with customer. Acted machiam like she is queen. Maybe at home she has such privilege. But this is outside and working dear.

Or sales is too good that there is no need to be nice to customer. Anyway already paid, wat can i do?

I would rather applause Mini Toons. Was fumed while walking to escalator. The mini toon staff greeted me and tried to invite me into the store to take a look. Theere was smile and energy!

The previous really spoil shoppin mood and really it is so disgusted

Company which uses temp staff need QC and training also.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fragmented thoughts

(1) On Translation Course

Gotta attend three lessons this week. One addition on thursday is meant to replace the one which lecturer overslept. Of cos, if u know me well, i am indeed very unhappy about it!

Anyway today managed to force myself to class despite the rain and really thankful the rain ceased on time for me to walk over from office to school without wet :)

It was still fruitful at class. Actually more fruitful. At least today i can understand at lest 80% as compared to the previous.

And there is something i m not proud to anounce but thought good to declare and confess here. Probably friends already know and put up with my that really 'cannot make it' english grammar. Haaaaaa really lah, when certain culture and vocab sink into ur everyday use, subconsciously u jus take it like a matter-of-fact.

Lecturer mentioned that alot of our spoken Singlish derive from confusion or infusion of Mandarin/Chinese into English. For instant, i m the constant culprit of 'eaten already', 'eat liao'

Well, have even coined 'done-D' to stress that the particular task is done.

That is the fusion between english and chinese. haaaaaa

So gulity and upset when lecturer said that she believes ppl like us who attend translation course... that our english should be powerful. :P nope i m not!

Nevertheless, i am jus one of those KS Singaporean MAH. Everything know abit here and there and no wiser of any. So becos i can read A-Z and abit of a,e,u,o,i and there i sign up for this cse :P

No no, not giving up and cry baby i cannot do this and that or bad at this and that. Jus continue to learn n beat myself. Cultivate and excel.

Many things have proven i m bad at this and that, it is getting bored. I wanna to have things to quantify i have improve.

:) Figher mangojo this moment

(2) At work

Too lazy to describe what happen but witnessed two silly women catfight in the office. One is a Snr Mgr and the other a Mgr. N as usual innocent me got dragged in.

They are jus making themselves a laughing stock.

Right now i feel handicapped as still not very clear of the industry and also not strong with maths and statistics. But But But, yes! y do we have words like 'but'? cos situation can turn u noe! If u read my previous posting, see my proverb haaaa

(3) Clothes and wet weather
Dread it! jeans taking more days to dry. And w/o sun, the clothes jus had this v damp feel and unpleasant smell :(

Maybe a v strong reason to buy more clothes liao

(4) Injured Tummy n massage
Yesterday went to Cathay building for a massage at Elements Spa.
Was then introudced to this slimming machine called wat RF roller.
GOSH it was hellish. Aft 30 min, 'lost' 1/2 inch. In return patches of blue black and u dun know how painful it is! Cannot talk, walk, move. Every slight movement caused real pain :(

But i sign up masage package instead. Cos decided not to go for machine but massage. This package allows me to pick from a list of massage, facial, hot pool spa. It is by credit system. Hence if i go for a simple massage, it allows me 24 times. But if i choose others, then less. Decided i will go for the hot pool spa or slimming massage+wrap or simply massage.

(5) Korea Won
My first and probably last trip to Korea was last Nov. Still left about $500 worth of Korea Won. But realise that SGD appreciates alot. Hence now to convert back to SGD, i gotta lose out abt $40! :( But it is better to exchange back then to leave it to depreciate further. And well there is a classmate who recalled i am looking for buyer and offered to buy from me. As usual i dun really too particular with friend and rather he go and find out current rate and pay me accordingly. Not use to negotiatate with friend mah. And still it is more worth to lose out to friend than to money exchanger lah, tat is my philosophy.

This amt exchanged back can cover massage package

Money too little as usual

(6) Laundry
After typing sooo much, finally towels are ready for hanging. Yes, now is 1242am and my washing machine is beeping real loud. Neighbour downstair must be cursing again

Yawn yawn

Gotta hang towels and then proceed to bed room. So tire but it takes me a long time to sleep. too use to read abit and listen to radio before knocking off unconsciously.

Hopefully not waking up intermittently. This happens becos aft 3 yrs of working at own time own target, have to force oneself to wake up at 650am n sandwich on MRT!. Sometimes i tend to look back. If m still in PA, goin to work at 1030 is nothing u know!

gone are the days. m now jus a stupid executive

haaaa u gain some u lose alot mah

Dedicate to 2 women who cat fight. Disgrace to womanhood



Saturday, December 08, 2007


Friend commented it was long time since my last entry.


Was lazy (LAH!)

Quite an episode this period. Yap n i created it!~ as usual (BAH!)

Will pen down later.

But now i wanna to give my two cents worth of a show - 宫S.

Today is the last Episode. At point of typing this, it is still going on.

Actually din really follow this drama. At such age, tried not to and hardly will want to follow a long series. It made an ageing person more aged!

There are two princes (which i din bother to recall their name). But the 'fake' prince suffering made me empathise with him.

There are always two sides to a coin. People tend to envy the better side of the other, for instance, 'o he is a royal member'. But there are the other side of his story.

He can choose to remain wat he is and then follow his dad plan to take over the throne. But human beings are really complex! People just do not like to take cue from others. That is why u hear 'defy destiny' such sayings. People feel breathless when they cannot take own control. Many are willing to face any consequences for OWN decision.

But life gets twists in many occasions. It is how the person perceive and steer the wheel of life, get drifted, and of cos threshold is another important factor.

Got drifted the past few months. Last week i stood up to own belief and fought for change.

Today it seems to get better but another uncertainties set in - (1) if the change is real (2) if real, can i cope? no, sorry not 'cope' but 'EXCEL'.

There must be another wave i am to create in my career. It has since 3yrs+ i feel real at work- CONTRIBUTING and STAY RELEVANCE

Sunday, November 25, 2007



Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Translation teacher

introduced by translation lecturer.

This time is a SHE.

She hor really got me a shock.

I went to class pretty early cos refused to work later than 5.30pm.

Then the already very sick me cough n cough in the cold classroom. It was only she, another new classmate (i missed out last week 1st lesson).

She turned to me and said '你有病?' Almost fainted. Usually if we say that it meant ' r u crazy'!! i was so caught by her comment that instantly no response and reaction. She then said sth like i keep coughin.


Friday, November 09, 2007

Dedicate to you..


So glad tat you have found ur new path :)

You were always such a good friend since Sec school.

Over the years, we drifted, n i came back n u accepted me back. Though now we are not as close as before (cos u already have Zess :P) i m really glad u r back to my life.

Fight on this path that u think u wan to take on. As a friend, i will always support and belive you can do it!

PS: despite u wont read this blog even i have been hinting loud for u to read, still like to pen sth down. My words r not fancy but sincerely is there. Thanks for being in my life........

wat can be more precious than friendship? truthful one......

Saturday, October 27, 2007

M thirsty

* read my shoutout in friendster.

what can i do :(

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rushing Project

But it is jus like LRT, keep jam n stuck along e way

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Where is the Passion?

i have been bitching, to everyone on the new job.

People said and i do agree my life is much simpler n lower pace and i get more free time.

But something is seriously lacking.

From the development and the management attitude, do not think i can really develop that passion with this job.

Not that the previous job is great. But admittedly i found some passion in community work (sort of lah) and tat is how i can drag for 5.5 yrs.

Nevertheless i am still clear why i chose to leave: No life, almost every minute on standby. No justice to my contribution vs pay. A ACM can earn more than me (not talking about veteran ok!). Sexual harrassement. Ugly uniform. Seriously no transparency in the system, unfair treatment and injustice by management. There is no turning back unless (if ever) pay counter offer is like 3 folds what i got (belive me again, that my pay was damn lousy back there)

But... when i read Tibetan Nun blog, it also hit me that despite that 8.30am to at most 7.30pm work day, i do not have that kind of energy and enthusiasm back in those days where i would work till 2am and still dancing away.

It is indeed empty feeling. Like a corpse going to office. Like a prostitue letting the day goes by and get it done and past. (well well, still rem LTA engineer told me that we should treat ourselves like prostitute, do and go).

It is confusing emotion. Could it be the toil so far that wore me out? or really being passionate wiht the job is still important?

Tonite my msn nick as follow "Doctor or Nurse? Pilot or Air stewardess? to be lead or support? "

How come ppl always shine out there but i m always the support? The one that others do not even know the existence. In this world, it is really painful to be the mediocre.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


how to quench thirst?

Saturday, October 06, 2007



Wednesday, October 03, 2007

all about dougnut

Finally get a chance to taste the donut from i think Donut Factory? the one at Raffles City where ppl q like mad.

My colleagues went to carrefour at Suntec n they bought back box of doughnuts. i took the one with chocolate inside.

Actually i feel that these new age doughnuts all too sweet n soft lei. Tried the Vivocity one (did i tell u that i force ppl to buy? if not wont attend his meeting? :P, gone are the days where i can terror ppl life')

Still prefer those traditional one where you can find at maybe four leaves or bakery shop.

Wan to try the glutinous rice at PS but din get chance cos one ball looks too big for me. And it wont be feasible to put it overnite since there be filings inside. someone wanna share with me? n of cos share the costing

Y? cos my new company havent pay me yet n i work there 1 mth liao! wat e fish

Free Chicken Rice

Yesterday forced ppl to treat me dinner. Today i had a free dinner again :P

Thanks to Sleepy, i managed to register my ezcard to accumulate points. Since it is based on usage of NEL & SBS transit, i benefit alot ;) Actually accumulated quite a number of points only that last quarter most of the better offers were already fully taken up. Hence waited for 1 oct and well smart me lei! the new offers came out. After counting the TB and BD, find that a redemption of chicken rice is quite a deal hence that is how i ended with free chicken rice at PS. So near workplace and anyway got to take train home mah ;)

Monday, September 24, 2007


cannot take pic of camera so took this ;)


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

195 times- latest record as last week


Translation exam is soooooo near

got to get another big dictionary as likely the electronic one cannot be used. But it is sooooo time consuming to check dictionary lor

V expensive on books nowadays. That remind me to really be careful with my spending cos bro goin to poly next year and all $ likely from me.

So it be maggi mee now and then.

Will cut down meeting friends

Thursday, September 20, 2007

u noe me well

dinner ytd

but e main dish was curry so diahorrea till this afternoon!

Finally a camera of my own

But i cannot take pic with it to show u how it looks like :P

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Invasion

It started yesterday on my way to exam. Suddenly i think that man will be back. he has not been contacting me since the day i asked for payment. So i sent an sms to him- whr he is. this feeling of him coming back n perhap to force settlement was so close as real.

Last nite at about 10pm(?) He came back.

This time extremely unfriendly n even violent.

Not yet on me (which is not something new if he can rem). But trying to slam everything he can find.

Dun understand why he think i will behave the way he wanna. Funni. If we can do that, guess that wont make us walk to the divorce light. If so, there wont be another sweet one outside isn't it?

This mornin the storm was v intimidating. Lucky, it was really real luck or pure coincident that i have a movie date so i left real early. Many knew i wont really ask to watch movie.......this round nicole kidman caught my eye n i dated my friend to watch. Booked ticket in advance somemore! so UNme.

So will the motive real as wat came to my mind?

If so, i have to fight hard. It hurting but i need to fight for own survival. That sum tat was promised to discard me he has to honour it before i give up. Do be assure i already let go only giving up is real hard unless suddenly get real decent accomodation.

Tire of fighting but life has structured itself such that.......

"The Invasion"
The mysterious crash of a space shuttle leads to a terrifying discovery - a growing epidemic. Victims suffer attack while they sleep, leaving them physically unchanged, but strangely unfeeling and inhuman.

That two parts which leave me alot of thinking.
(1) Some diplomat remark about human, chaos n human. Human r still animal?!?
(2) When Ken or Ben (sorry bad in remembering cast role name) finally went to meet up with Carol (Kidman), Carol broke down, cried and hugged him very very tightly, as if he is the pillar. However at that point this guy already got infected. He tried to psycho Carol to give up rebelling n 'join' them. She almost give in until being told that her son will not be allow to exist as he failed to blend into the system.

Human r still human, there are emotions and care and love.
But being human as human, there are inhuman side of them.

Nevetherless, perhap if i can infected by this virus will be quite good ;)

if i still wan to breathe, need to put on that brave front n retailate back. Protect ownself, get back human right. Mangojo is a human. Stop abusing like tat

Saturday, September 15, 2007

shocking eye deflation

at 4am this morning, i woke. Discovered that i rubbed my left eye too hard. Then eye cannot open. It keep tearing. Can find the filmsy layer sort of 'dented'.

It not first time i ever have such attack. But bad timing. 4am such accident, 10am exam. Planned to wake at 7am to do last revision since din do on thurs n fri. Bacially after start work no time to read. But in the end panick. Lucky at 7.30am eye can open n tearing not so serious.

Right now at 7pm, eye still itch n sore

:( worry worry

tat bet was on!

Think i already merge into the company culture liao.

Starting my betting rite after exam! see my friend too up and said if she score below certain grade i treat her lunch. Suck man, this time disappt me n i got to treat! lucky settled her with old chang kee. Hope she wont hound at me tmr heehee

To respect individual privacy, not revealing who n the grade.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

it is bored to wake up on time, go work on time, cannot go off on time even nothing to do. Back home (lucky) 8.30pm. Waste 1.5 hours n got to hit e bed

Saturday, September 08, 2007


it is really such a bliss to have dinner delivered!

I wan to take pic but PDA not cooperating.

I had it reset to factory setting so now having prb to download pic taken. The bluetooth not really working :(

Such unique dinner and a quick shopping ard :))

My left eye swollen due to contact len.

Still very tire despite zzz long hour this afternoon

hope tmr can start studying or this sat go exam with nothing in the brain

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

i will miss........ e serenity n freedom of thoughts n control of own time

Review of the break i had jus taken...... which is ending soon

Hmmmmmm a quick summary of some of my achievements during these 2 mths break.
(1) Read a few books that i have wanted but never get time to read. It is reading in peace (aside juggling with homework).
(2) Cooking! From messy and 'forget to put this, forget to put that' to now commanding the kitchen :)
(3) Did eyebrows reshaped
(4) Learnt to do hula hoop n now up to 54 times (highest record as at today. To think i started no long ago n u know my patience is not there for phsyical actions ;)
(5) Spring Cleaning. Even 'mop' the walls. Ok, dun say about now, cos back to square one
(6) achieved self enlightenment in marriage and divorce philosophy

Now wat's next?

How to get up in the morning and still breathing by 10am.
How not to overslept n miss work!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New aim has arrived

Time really can heal wound? i think not really. But it makes a person more sober n less emotional.

When emotional detached over time, the impact is not as bad as it first collided into my life.

Wasted 10 yrs of my life n i get nothing out of it.

Coping well n found back old love. Oops not a person. It's a dream. N that dream i will work toward it. Dream is own, nobody can deprive me of it. I wont be felt cheated. Human r devilish at heart generally. It the dream in own heart that will never betray oneself.


Monday, August 27, 2007

A light heart lives long.静以修身。
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。
All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。
A man becomes learned by asking questions.不耻下问才能有学问。
A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里。
A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。
A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.身正不怕影子斜。
Cannot see the wood for the trees.一叶障目,不见泰山。
Caution is the parent of safety.小心驶得万年船。
Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。
Diamond cuts diamond.强中自有强中手。
Do as you would be done by.己所不欲,勿施于人。
Don‘t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.不要班门弄斧。
False friends are worse than bitter enemies.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
Fools grow without watering.朽木不可雕。
Fortune knocks once at least at every man‘s gate.风水轮流转。
Harm set, harm get.害人害己。
He knows most who speaks least大智若愚。
Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。


It meant there is no royal road to learning.

i think that is really e word to describe current dealing with translation.

really 'lost in translation'!

e more you learn the lesser u know. There is alway so much to learn

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pardon me, it's doing a cse with a bad bad mood!

I still believe in lifelong upgrading.

I still look forward to getting this Post Grad Dip.

Yes, i bitch about the hardships.

Now i bitch abotu the ppl encountered.

I think hardship like trying to get assignment done, study for exams still are quite managable. But i hate on ppl r'ship. Cos i dun pay to get such shit from ppl mah!!!

let see wat further development. I din really wan to show my true colour. But if need be i think she will regret.

In addition, lecturer like dun like me. But it not new rite? ppl dun really like me initially. But when they start talkin to me then they realise i m normal.

Work hard hard hard

Need to stay alive releveantly.

Dun push ur luck too far

i m super irritated by this woman

Not that i always unhappy with things. But......

Always talk abt her family matters. Wat she say, wat her son say, wat her mother say, wat her colelagues say.

When lecture time, either she still rattle on or she be super KS. Lecturer jus said 'turn to page xx', she will like a pig, repeat n ask 'wat page har'. then lecturer said sth n i jot it down,she will always peep. N sometimes even QUESTION wat i m writing. Believe me it is really QUESTION.

She likes to command ppl to do things also.

N now project got stuck to do with her.

Dread it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tuesdays with Morrie

" I wont allow myself any more self pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that's all"

"How useful it is to put a daily limit on self pity"

"Learn how to die and you learn how to live"

"As you grow, you learn more"

"Aging is not just decay, It is growth"

"Its more than the negative that you are going to die, it's also positive that you understand you're going to die and that you live a better life because of it."

"Because if you have found meaning in your life, you dont want to go back'. You want to look forwrd. You want to see more, do more."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thank you for the blessings

Today i went to the driving centre with a heavy heart. Been out of action for 10mths n finally made myself go n try again.

Guess ppl will know why i out of action so long. the day he came with that forceful 'offer' i was devastated. Din want to touch driving cos i know i cant concentrate n it is bad for me, instructor n the road users. Also the minor operation i had caused me tooo much pain n my shoulders were really painful n soar for like 3-4mths.

Due to the changing weather, i been checking out for today's weather. It was no good. Supposed to have thunderstorm.

So heart was heavy. Already no confident n with storm it will really add pressure for me.

Sent sms to friends jus before i walked into the circuit. Got good encouragement. Thanks, friends.

The instructor i paid extra to book is really a nice uncle. U know my anxiety kind of wipe out half when he assured me no prob. I told him that watever difficulty through his mouth become soooooo easy :P :)

N it did not rain n not over bright too (din have sunglasses anymore. The sky kind of 'hold' the clouds. It only pour (abit) after my lesson. I felt being blessed to let me continue to find courage and make it so much smoother for me to get back my engine. Thank you really really soo much!

Now i have a prob.. a persistence one. Still cannot get parrallel n vertical parking rite. When i do this, i forget that. Just emailed Florence. Hope she kind to write sth.

Not gifted in driving

After every lesson...i know lesser n lesser.. so much more to learn

Man proposes and God disposes

The weakest goes to the wall

to kick against the pricks

to give the last measure of devotion

to suffer from one's wisdom

what's done cannot be undone

to be severe with oneself and lenient with others

Pride goes before a fall

This class i realised they are all superb with their chinese language. One even caught e lecturer off guard with her 'chim' answer!

V inferior n stress.

But there is a saying..... 自己的天空。 everyone will find own niche somehow. I may not be the outstanding or even good ones in the class. But will excel myself over me


Monday, August 20, 2007

Old love still e best wahahahahaha

All these years somehow still my idol Andy Lau help me through many tough period.

I like his philosophy. He ever said he is a fountain, the more pressure added, the higher the water will shoot up.

Ok ok beside tat, of cos his look and most importantly his voice tat attracts me lah...

Not all his songs are good. But some really catchy ones n fit his vocal can be touching man!

Recent exam was not a good one to study for. Lost interst somemore. so went to look for this song 暗里着迷 n played continuously to keep me fantasizing and read my notes. heehee

Funi hor? so old liao still like htat.

Guess, a person at wat age still has a child in him/her lah.

No rest assure, i never gone to '追星" when young hence u wont find me at this age go n crash with the youngsters to see him lah........ dun ever suggest me to pay to see his concert watever. i no budge. But if u wan to grant my lifelong wish, pls donate over heehee

Sunday, August 19, 2007

National Day Rally

It is of every Singaporean interest to get ourselves updated through watching the Rally. However do not understand why all channels MUST feature it.

They can exclude entertaining channels like Channel U & Chanel 5 mah.

So many details given. Of cos there were light moments with some more sensitive policies like up CPF drawn out date.

Work work work, slog slog slog until ur last breath!

I already forsee my prob. No own family, no own house, not enough insurance coverage, no good academics results, no good job (prospect and monetary), no brain!


No pessimistic. It is all REAL

Now u wan, now u dun!

When out with friends, i hope to be back at home doing some readings or study.

Today there is no plan for anything (Still cannot combat fear of going back to driving and also the weather given me a not bad excuse to avoid it). Hence it is a at home whole day schedule.

Well, now hoping to be out playing.. but i know i wont really will enjoy

complex being

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sat-18 Aug

Morning - wee hours
Had bad dream. Dreamt that i woke up at 9am whr exam is at 10am!! Can even recall how panicky i was n tried to outbeat time to get myself to the exam venue! Jus when i was abt to give up, i woke up! whew.. it was 6.20am. Laze till 7am n finally got myself up. Reached school at 9.20am.

Exam was not v good. The questions i should admit are meant to rack ur brain, unlike the previous one. It now depend how persuasive my writings n arguments are. I thought the lecturer was kind to be there throughout the exam. Din see the first one did that. But as nobody thanked or greet him i dare not appracoh. dun wan ppl to throw tomatoes at me.

Had foot bath and reflexology at chinatown. Was more fancinated by the footbath actually. To me foot reflex is really luxourious n would prefer body massage than that. Costs me $50 (GOSH). Still think the Batam n Bangkok ones are better.

Then Olivia n me went to meet up with Zess for show. I like her sms last night, sth like ' ... for movie.. must go hor' cos she knew i HARDLY watch movie. "Bourne Ultimatum" very action pack (fei hua) but storyline is really stale.

Came back earlier as do not want to come back to this 'not big but very empty house' late. At the train, this 'soya sauce' couple treated the pole like coconut tree. Both holding on to the pole, standing behind n caressing each other.. haaaaaa

Somebody sms to tell me that he has a blog n his children were so amused. Me too!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


My younger bro put in his msn.
Meant for him n me! wahahahahaha

Must strive harder
Cannot afford to lose more.
A badly failed marriage is enough to kick my ass hard

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

See this pic, need i say more?

Gotten lousy results


no motivation already

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


just when i need sth to point out some unreasonable annual recurring incident, this one comes in handy. (also pondering y this was sent to me)

Some people suffer maybe 1-2 in life, whic to many e downturn was not so bad afterall. But because they think their sufffering is most unbearing, the whole world has to be with them. Then when situation turn n they become blessed again, they forgot they did suffer before. So when they are blessed they also expect the whole world to evolve around their WANTs.

Wat u did to help them during their downturn is now nothing. Because when u fail to meet their want, u r 'lousy'.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

HR Saga

First time such thing happen.

It is not new to me to study a part time course. But nothing dramatic like this happen.

Students protest not to have 2 assignments.

Then principal came for a feedback session.

Then the only man in the class wrote an email that stipulate sexual discrimination.

In the first place, do not understand how he interprete that teaching a class makeup mainly of women can be challenging.

His email tried to put very nice words for the lecturer, put the women down n said he himself done what was needed.

That was still fine. For that discrimination, i would only view that this man is shallow.

Yesterday he wrote another email quite unexpectedly. He cited he agreed with 'all' that the lecture is bad. Thunderous i tell u! Do not think 'all' said that. Anyway even ppl like me who voice out some feedback did not say lecture is bad. The truth casted is that he has yet to do the assignment n he does not know how.

Which contrast significantly from his first email.

I am not here to gossip about him.

But think the act is really selfish. If he is unhappy, voice as he is. Dun drag all in.

So many saga for a course. Group internal conflict also email to whole class.

Make me feel rather disinterested. If again, such email war out, m going to tell him off. Dun send junk mail over.

Anyway, jus to share some background about the complains from the class.
Some do not want 2 assginments cos no time as it is intensive course.

I do not go against 2 assignments as if it is requirement, jolly well get my ass on it. But feedback as extracted below:

"This is not the first time i take up a part time course. Having deal with a few Not-for-Profit and even Non Profit institutions, i would say this round, some things came quite a shock to me.

Notes - it is really quite distasteful to not have notes printed for us for the lesson on time. Regardless of where the fault lie, this should not happen again. In anyway, decent things meant for a class/lesson are (1) Classroom, (2) Visual aids like projector, (3) Lecture Notes, (4) Lecturer with good knowledge and vast applicable experiences to share. Surely this is not too much an expectation?!?

Reading Materials - Our TIGHT schedule is not a secret. We attend lessons on Fri nite, Sat & Sun full day. If lecturer require us to have some material notes to read esp meant for exam purpose, it is reasonable to provide instead of having us searching around for the textbook. Sad to say we do not really have that luxury of time. Wonder if institution brief lecturers on such constraint during engagement? It is important for them to understand as Intensive Course may be quite a new concept to most.

Arrangement during Sundays - It is rather unfair to the lecturer to look after the classroom when we need go for lunch. I rem last Sunday Mr PBS has to skip his lunch as he cannot find the caretaker to lock up the classroom. Mr Adrain Wong had his fair share also. Coordination needs to be tightened.

Understand this is the first Intensive intake hence likely to have many things not well thought of. But really hope the future arrangements will improve significantly. We have 3 more modules to go...."



V early this morning about 2am, had a chat with a friend over msn on how vulnerable ppl can to afraid to lose what we have. The more force u add in attemp to retain sth, e more it will go..

i like Sun's song 握紧. tat part of lyrics say alot.

It is not about only lover/relationship. jus anything


Dental Dentist

Aug is the Healthy Teeth Month.

U get to have free consultation with some participating dental clinic.

Missed out using ex co's benefit for dental care.

Went ytd, purposely picked a higher class one cos consultation is free n to save their reputation, they will give a thorough better analysis. Smart mango!

Yap. alot of good tips

But not the costs quoted.

Unfortunately i do not dig gold. $600 for a molar filing is sth i gues i do it in dream.

Gonna to get treatment from neighbourhood clinic.

Btw, do ur dental floss. Sth i never really believe now i do!

N dentist recommend this satin one as i was/still worry that flossing can create bigger gap in between teeth. She said this is more gentle.

Ok, Oral B better pay me for promoting ur product!!

Am taking Calcium tablet from today onwards. Old already everything must take care not cos of vain. Just do not wan to invite unncessary breakdown that can cost great bomb.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


erratic mind.

think sooner or later i will stay in IMH. No joke

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

behind the scene

Always glam to see the stage but behind the scene.......

lesson to learn: dun be distracted when peeling waterchest nut. No i wont hate u...

Part 2: Chef Jo

Take so long to load one pic. Chicken already in my stomach liao. Which mean tonite no chicken heehee

Lunch & Dinner today :)

Er.. i dun know how to have few pics in one post lei..

Chef Jo creates Vege mix soup
Main leads: Cabbage, Carrot, Mushrooms
Supporting Lead: 1 pc of chicken (that's wat i left with)
Extras: Sour plum, shallots, light soya sauce, ginger slices, waterchest nuts
Never invited: MSG

Grading: ******

to be continued....

say not busy actually m

counting days...


no confident to wake early n not falling sick!

Friday, July 20, 2007

this moment of weakness

Ppl would always expect me to be happy, cheery and jovial.

I tried n try n succeeded to put on act most of e times.

Suck, this moment jus feel so tire n weak.

Not so much cos of exam but e hurt that got deeper.

E process is really scarey. Sometimes it even involve mind game.

Maybe i should once again disappear n that could be better?

dun like the drama as i am not in control.

Lose control is sth v scarey

Here or there i jus cant shake off e hurt

But also know that hurt only work on self if i wan it to overrule.

Y did i ever let other ppl to ruin my life once and again?

Crappy tat make me wan to eat crab

sometimes i seek friends for virtual hugs.

Today an ex colleague suddenly msn me a hug.

Tat friendship knot i will always rem

Now, a friendship hug can give me courage to walk a little further

eve of exam n still KLKK

No mood

Too many other things to ponder about

Too many other things to get nervous over

Dun fail me

Monday, July 16, 2007

Translate me!

The first milestone was passed when the ancient Greeks recognised that wind and rain, heat and cold, were not caused by deities punishing or rewarding their subjects but rather by processes taking place in atmosphere.

Wat is ur Chinese translation???

Answer be provided on next page

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lost- suddenly lazy

I been a lazy person for life.

Past few yrs work kept me busy n not a time for breathing.

Now suddenly i sinked into state of laziness again

wan to do alot of things but end up doing nothing

Looking back, it is really scarey to work like mad

no more courage for such workload n maddness

It disgusting!

Somehow secretly beginn to get this notion - some oldies ard me try to boast their morale using me.


Like wan me go drink with them...

when i say old it is really OLD.

I dun discriminate friend of any age. But the intention is questionable.

Dun ask me who n start ur nonsense guessing cos most dun know this person.

Yesterday somebody asked me how that 'bro' i called so dear.

Very sad to say he did not respect me

Having divorce does not mean i m a desperate one


Saturday, July 14, 2007


Met two long lost friends this evening.

Secondary school friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

feel like a human again

Though abit distance but i think as time pass by will get back momentum.

Goodbye PA, Goodbye times whr i feel inferior to meet friends. Goodbye a marriage that made me worst in front of ppl, goodbye time i cant control

** m tipsy now.. well from mocha

think long term or short term?

Money or loyalty?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Studies, Assignment, Leaving Service, New job, Advance Theory, pc game

These are the things kept me busy from writting blog.

Anyway quite disappointing, thought can know more ppl but as usual not fruitful.

Guess i not the 'first eye' friend. Ppl will only talk to me after a few times. I wonder how to create that 'first hit' instantly.

Anway does not really matter.

I hope my friend stop telling ppl i m married. It is quite embarassing when new acquainted ppl ask 'wat ur hubby doing', 'u have children'??? aiyo! i din even tell them i married lei.

2 Aug - good or bad??

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

need ur blog add again

changed laptop so dun have ur blogs liao.

dun scold me but still dun know how to do the link.

used to bookmark your blogs lei...

ok? if u read this, pls kindly leave a comment to indicate your blog address hor!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Looking back

Race through some of my past blogs.

Cos got a new reader (heehee). Somehow make me want to reread my blog.

That period was pain full of pain & hurt. Tears every minute

Now m i better? i dun think so. Until e day i dare to pick up karaoke singing again. Cos some songs can trigger tear gland again.

But guess coping better. More control.

Thanks to friends who show concern. They are also helpless on how to help me. But by those messages and concerns, really good enough to make me stronger

Thanks to some books offered by Mr Edward Chye. Pain to read what authors said, realise what mistakes in the marriage. But it calm me down somehow

Thanks to my past which was no better ... dad passed away, i carried the responsibiltiy of providing for family, doing my studies & work, challenges at work, 1st boyfriend slept with other woman etc, so not tat really bad.

Some ppl commented my life is a sad story. Sometimes i do think so. But dun like to keep self pity.

Have pick up some courage (though sometimes procastinate again) to move on life.

But if time turn back, 那个人还会是你!

Now? no, i refrain from emotional attach.

found ?



  在太阳系(Solar System)九颗行星当中,火星排行第四,和“老三”地球的距离第二近(离地球最近的行星是金星(Venus))。火星离地球到底有多近呢?天文学家提供的数据是:不固定,可以长达1亿138公里,也可以短至5500万公里。
  天文学家把这种天文奇观称为“火星大冲”(Mars Opposition),而这样的“火星大冲”在公元前5万5534年前发生过一次,而下一次要再看到,就要等到2287年8月28日了。

1.  火星名字的由来


2.  地球和火星相似的地方

  -地球和火星都属于类地行星(terrestrial planets)。
  (类地行星的家族还有水星(Mercury)和金星(Venus)。类地行星的特点是,由较重元素的固体组成,通常体积较小。木星(Jupiter)、土星(Saturn)、天王星 (Uranus)和海王星 (Neptune),则全都是由气体,主要是氢(Hydrogen)和氦(helium)等构成的巨大类木行星 (jovian planets))。

3.  地球人对火星进行探索


4.  要怎么样才可以看到火星?


Amateur Status Advantage

Professionals observed big things far away and published in the prestigious Astrophysical Journal—which, as if to rub it in, ranked papers by the distances of their subjects, with galaxies at the front of each issue, stars in the middle, and planets, on the rare occasion that they appeared in the Journal at all, relegated to the rear. Amateurs showed schoolchildren the rings of Saturn at 76 power through a tripod-mounted spyglass at the State Fair. Inevitably, a few professionals disdained the amateurs. When Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto, the astronomer Joel Stebbins, usually a more charitable man, dismissed him as “a sub-amateur assistant.” There are of course professionals who kept up good relationships with amateurs, and amateurs who did solid work without fretting over their status. But generally speaking, the amateurs lived in the valley of the shadow of the mountaintops. Which was odd, in a way, because for most of its long history, astronomy has been primarily an amateur pursuit.

Nicolaus Copernicus, who in 1543 moved the Earth from the center of the universe and put the Sun there instead (thus replacing a dead-end mistake with an open-ended mistake, one that encouraged the raising of new questions), was a Renaissance man, adept at many things, but only a sometime astronomer. Johannes Kepler, who discovered that planets orbit in ellipses rather than circles, made a living mainly by casting horoscopes, teaching grade school, and scrounging royal commissions to support the publication of his books. Edmond Halley, after whom the comet is named, was an amateur whose accomplishments—among them a year spent observing from St. Helena, a South Atlantic island so remote that Napoleon Bonaparte was sent there to serve out his second and terminal exile—got him named Astronomer Royal.

Even in the twentieth century, while they were being eclipsed by the burgeoning professional class, amateurs continued to make valuable contributions to astronomical research. Arthur Stanley Williams, a lawyer, charted the differential rotation of Jupiter’s clouds and created the system of Jovian nomenclature used in Jupiter studies ever since. Milton Humason, a former watermelon farmer who worked as a muleteer at Mount Wilson, teamed up with the astronomer Edwin Hubble to chart the size and expansion rate of the universe. The solar research conducted by the industrial engineer Robert McMath, at an observatory he built in the rear garden of his home in Detroit, so impressed astronomers that he was named to the National Academy of Sciences, served as president of the American Astronomical Society, a professional organization, and helped plan Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, where the world’s largest solar telescope was named in his honor. (From: The Best American Science & Nature Writings)

Amateurs have, for millennia, led the way to exploring the heavens, and despite a disadvantage in the size, technology and positioning of telescopic equipment, continued to compete well with professionals throughout the 20th century. How were they able to compete? Because astronomy is all about curiosity, diligence, and patience—the attributes of successful investors and business analysts.

The amateur investor has every right to believe he or she can compete toe to toe with professional money managers. From my humble office overlooking the Singapore River, with only an Internet connection and a bookstore discount card I have been able to achieve 40% annual total returns over the last several years, soundly outperforming AsiaPacific fund managers with teams of analysts, billions of dollars worth of influence, board seats, Bloomberg screens, and company Mercedes. Well, I wouldn’t mind the company Mercedes, but all the other bells and whistles have not added to fund investor’s fortunes. In fact, it certainly costs them dearly.

The heavens don’t change very quickly, and neither do businesses. An amateur astronomer and an amateur investor have this distinct advantage of slow paced phenomena to observe. Up-to-the-second news flashes and streaming stock prices don’t help improve portfolio returns any more than up-to-the-minute star charts would help astronomers. Amateur astronomer Stephen James O’Meara, son of a Cambridge, Massachusetts lobster fisherman, while still a teenager, saw and mapped radial “spokes” on Saturn’s rings that professional astronomers dismissed as illusory—until Voyager reached Saturn and confirmed that the spokes were real. He determined the rotation rate of the planet Uranus, obtaining a value wildly at variance with those produced by professionals with larger telescopes and sophisticated detectors, and proved to be right about that too. He was the first human to see Haley’s comet on its 1985 return, a feat he accomplished using a 24-inch telescope at an altitude of 14,000 feet while breathing bottled oxygen. Fortunately for the amateur investor, no modern tools of stock analysis have proven more valuable than good judgment and business sense (common sense).

The 3 May 2004 Straits Times Money writer, Lee Su Shyan says, "Few retail investors have the time and resources to conduct the kind of in-depth research that a professional fund manager can accomplish, so retail investors often don't know what questions they need to ask." I think the real reason few fund managers attend AGMs is because few fund managers really care about the business and management, as their turnover ratios clearly show. If you don't own a business long enough to collect dividends, why would you care about dividend policies? If you don't own a business long enough for a strategy to unfold, why would you care about the long-term business outlook? If you can buy IPO placement shares and dump them a day later, how important is the AGM? How many funds owned Informatics and failed to ask management the right questions?

One or two in ten fund managers outperform relevant indexes over the years, so why are they held up as geniuses with all the 'intelligent questions'? I don't know how many fund managers Lee Su Shyan knows, or how many AGM were personally attended to write such an article? I attended eight AGM during April for businesses held by our WS8 Portfolio at WallStraits, and in general I would say retail investors are long-term focused, and informed enough to ask probing, relevant, and 'intelligent' questions of their management. There are the occasional 'share price' questions and the occasional nonsense questions, but these are the exception, not the rule.

Big professionally managed funds, despite their sophistication, suffer under the weight of billion dollar portfolios, while amateurs can nimbly accumulate small stakes in a handful of enticing micro-cap businesses not even on the fund radar screen. Just like the Cold .45 was an equalizer in the Wild West, the Internet is the equalizer for small investors, placing an incredible amount of business and industry information at your fingertips. Interpretation, not information, is the limiting factor for investors today. Businesses evolve quarter-to-quarter and year-to-year. Long-term trends in sales, earnings and intelligent capital allocation that indicate strong shareholder-orientation is what slow-motion observers search for. And better than amateur astronomy, amateur investing pays well!

Anyone who wants to be a truly great observer should start with the planets, because that is where you learn patience. It’s amazing what you can learn to see, given enough time. That’s the most important and critical factor in observing—time, time, time—though you never see it in an equation.

-- Stephen James O'Meara

Watch ouT

gotten to have some intersting things to write here

Lychee Martini

Hee tat is last fri

same thoughts



friendship? :)really dun wan to forget the invitation cos friend hard to come by??

Wednesday, June 13, 2007








a $95 printer

Been wanting to buy a printer since the day i think i will tender resignation.

So set a painful budget of $200.

Then surfed net overnite and Canon caught my eyes as it is have its 70 yr anniversary. So saw a bubblejet printer at $179...then $149...

Wen to Vivocity yesterday to meet a GRL for lunch (so as to get my butt out of hse). After that stroll ard. Did not really bother with clothes etc. Been doing that before GSS so now loss interest. Anyway normal times discount is 20% n GSS still go abt 20%, nothing thrill. At Canon showroom saw ip1880.. $109. So much slimmer also.

But still unsure becos it stated photo printer... will it not able to print colour doc??????

So many questions in mind.

Today went to Sim Lim with a friend. Wow, $95 only! and can still go and redeem a mouse at Funan.

Ok, i bought Sony Vaio also. Not rich lah, if rich i go for fujisu. E 1 in my office is so slim and light. But it costs at least $3k!!!! Got VGN C25G - Black. Cos the other colour look like cartoon... pink, green... even the baby blue cannot raise appetite.

Y did i buy? cos once i out of job would still need a machine to work on. Have ibook but many things cannot download or upload. Imagine i just want to apply passport online it said cannot. I wan to go to Sony website it said cannot.. n many more application prob. REN WU KE REN so die die no $ also get to buy one...

Now i have prob. cannot interchange to key in chinese words. GOSH. HOpe can be solved...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

ibook.. so many cannot!

saw this cheap digital voice recorder at $99. wanted to buy but non compatible with Mac so how?

i will change it soooooooonnnnnnnnn

Monday, June 11, 2007


how come no one talk to me and ask me to take on SCM post last time! :(

How come now i wan to leave nobody bother to give me encouragement esp on my studies?????

everytime liek that one. Ppl assume i can do it or i will manage.

But i still woman mah, somemore old liao.. need encouragement.


Calling to give up? Never had so i created

In the bus suddenly i wonder how come this time i jus give up the job like that!!!!

In the past i kept say want to quit but did not. Even now ppl dun really believe me.

But i really going to quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly feel cannot bear to leave cos i enjoy the mega events. Many eyes looking at how i solve problems on the spot.

Suddenly felt that somebody GOD is trying to make me pave way for him to get up there. But i suddenly dun feel angry.

Instead off the bus i told Wilson that his GOD is arranging it so that he can take on. So he CANNOT REJECT w/o trying

To try and die is ok. No try yet die is a NO NO.

Never take up how to know if can handle? If tried and cannot handle n fail then jus leave.

I left him with these words

Those words are for myself also. Suddenly i dun wan to u turn and remain in that big cosy room. An office room i called it MINE. I may not have anymore such oppt in my life anymore to enjoy e priviledge. Will i regret? I will i think. But i dun wan to think so much already. Jus feel like want to take the course, even go down to executive.. will be hard but after so many years being suppressed. Live for other. I wan to do sth silly but been hoping...

Will have prob with my course cos need project group n i know ppl wont liek me the first tiem they see me. So i may end up with no group. Tat deters me. Worry me. But i dun wan to give up.

A friend commented i am a 'good boss'. He said he never have. I told him i DIN have also. So when i got the oppt to be a boss, i created that. Ok, some will still think i am not good. But i done my best to protect staff. Think have done most. Other gaps is cos mgmt style still not established.

today a day full of hope n alot of uncertainties

Friday, June 08, 2007

At this moment.......

i want to live to the fullest.......... study, work,friends and exercise

Ppl like to give stupid judgement

I already said to leave this job is becos of studies. y ppl like to form reasons for me???

'cannot cope with work'? If so, i wont be able to do until today!!!

GOSH, i hate to be accused


Hurt Heart got deeper cut recently.

从此无情无爱 。。。。。。。。。

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Never keep to time

It was about 2am last nite i fell asleep.

It was 6.50am today i woke up.

that's about 5 hours of zzz only.

My hp alarm indicated 8.30am

This is recurring again and again.

Dun like to wake up early as will have morning sinus n realy bad one. Perfect if i get up say 9.30am

Maybe maybe i am subconsciously adjusting myself to a new change

Really hope the changeS can occur

I also wan to be like bro bear, put pic here :P


Always have this problem. Appetite tends to grow at night. Lucky not vampire going ard to suck blood.

Today i did it again. Ate a big bowl of noodles at 11pm. Ytd past midnight.


No wonder tummy jus grow.

Can you all pls keep remind me dun eat at nite??????????


Saturday, June 02, 2007

wat a FISH!


First time dealing with a fish n yeah so much succes

But while holding it, i felt like crying... it seemed staring at me citing i m a murderer

the outcome was real good, even myself cannot believe it

:) :) :)

Star Grading: TWO and a half

Very anxiously waiting

Why is two simple tasks turn so difficult????

Spend money n time n still have to wait.

Tat change should be swift.

how how, make me anxious only

Dun make me have 2nd thought on it,plssssssssssssssssssssssss

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bday blessings

Think maybe good to change my bday to 25th May

Quite a few of friends thought is that day ;P

in this case, i got two greetigns (u know who u r n how u were coerced to send another sms on 26th haaaaa)

E special one: last yr n this yr u were with me ard my bday. M a boring person n u r a busy person. Thanks for the time spent. Sorry to waste your time.

E other special one Sleepy. There were one or two yrs u with me on my bday. N many presents wor! heeheee Thanks so much loving Sleepy

Two 'nieces' = who often get on my nerve but the yearly present is sth to look forward whahahahahahaa

the slice of cake - oops tat 'force' me to add one more candle to my bday cake lei

Someone missing forever in my life - no greeting fr u. Thanks alot cos tht reinforcement is really impt.

Crabs- heeheeeeeeee

26th,27th, 28th May 2007

i m ok

i will be ok

i will pull through

i can be better after the 3 days

They are just days

the ocean is vast

i wont think of it, they aint frigtening

every day will get by easier easier n easier

Nxt yr these days r jus normal days w/o pain, hatred and feel of betrayal

there was only 2 pax many yrs ago. Now with 3.

If the other two r happy, y m i left out?

i will be happy

I will pull through

y y y

cos i m JOVIAN KOH. Weathered alot of storm. this is nothing as worst before


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not sleeping Sleep

This week on leave intermittentlly

Today suppose go office but since the dialogue is cancelled. I happily stay home abit more.

Tried to read on a book.

Funny, how come i feel so much inertia to read this book as compared the past two? it is about being successful.

Just before coming back to laptop, tried to grap a nap.

But the 30min was waste of time. Every time i was abt to fall asleep, sth jus make me jump. really, the heartbeat jus pull me back to conscious again. Angry

Jus hoping to zzz abit, abit is really satisfying, pls

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Human likes to be a fool

I know wat lies today for me.

The press & TV media wont be coming and even if come does not mean they will cover it. And even print media is here, there is not TV media n hence i will be doomed.

A small scale exercise and they think that all the media will come and cover.

E story itself is not really captive.

E scale also.

But O.C thoght he is doing the Project of the Year in this country.


I will be e scapegoat already

Tire of that. Jus keep stirring among the fools

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Its e SICK season

this mornign suppose to go on course.

I woke at 7am n force myself to bath with thunderstorm rite outside the window.

Then headache, stomachache n running nose.

No choice, went to clinic instead. Thought it will be fast cos it was only 8.30am lor. But i already in number 12th position!!!!

N ppl ard me are like a mirror to me. Same pattern.. all nose red red

pull myself n came back to office.

Staff also sick but he still come to work. So i got to since i m e 'boss' tat wat they hinting.

Head soooo heavy

Emails keep piling.

Ppl keep accusing us of not efficient.

Fuck them. come here and work n they know wat we are doing

So this is the woman who cried innocently

Being the culprit calling herself the victim.

So this bitch works in OCBC HQ, Audit

No no, i dun blame her. I pity her. Cannot find other man out there.

If she tink it is her trimph then i really need to observe a moment of silence for her

Let God continues to forgive u cos ppl sinned, not to say a bitch

Thank you for letting me have a new start. I dun like messy stuff

Sunday, May 06, 2007

So need protection

Want to travel alone. But still lack the courage.

Sux, whenever i hear friends esp woman, going alone. I feel so useless!

Confess, i hardly a team person. Hate to rush and to accomodate irritating ppl. So going with others can be challenged. Especially my inspiration to travel is so ahoc. The Bangkok trip was a classic one. Left within 2 hours.说走就走

Ytd had dinner with friends. Quite happy. Relaxing Sat nite. One of the topics was travelling. But somehow i still 'hate' Australia. Haaaaaaa ..... cos my anger will grow again whenever i hear that country. Not the country fault ok! it is becos i will recall my 1st BF, who betrayed me while he studied there. N the betrayal leads to my subsequent abnormalities in love life.

Damn, sway away from this talk... hmm wat i should then write? Ok, ytd nite, i took stocktake on my face paper masks, scrub and make up. So many things i need to buy:
face paper masks - skinfood as so much cheaper
face scrub - should i stick to Shiseido's warm scrub???
compact powder - shiseido? lancome? chanel? fancl? headache
Body Scrub - coffee bean scrub from skinfood? but WP & PS said expensive
Blusher - suspect the blusher is contaminated that y my face got breakout! :P
Vitamin E Body Lotion - Existing 3/4 left bottle from Body Shop is not really effective. Nothing special effect.
Makeup Base - to continue with fancl? it is so much cheaper...
Eye Concealer - need a stronger one.. cos this one from lancome already not effective. My dark circle condition worsen. From 1 layer to 6 layers also cannot cover!

and so much more................