changed laptop so dun have ur blogs liao.
dun scold me but still dun know how to do the link.
used to bookmark your blogs lei...
ok? if u read this, pls kindly leave a comment to indicate your blog address hor!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Looking back
Race through some of my past blogs.
Cos got a new reader (heehee). Somehow make me want to reread my blog.
That period was pain full of pain & hurt. Tears every minute
Now m i better? i dun think so. Until e day i dare to pick up karaoke singing again. Cos some songs can trigger tear gland again.
But guess coping better. More control.
Thanks to friends who show concern. They are also helpless on how to help me. But by those messages and concerns, really good enough to make me stronger
Thanks to some books offered by Mr Edward Chye. Pain to read what authors said, realise what mistakes in the marriage. But it calm me down somehow
Thanks to my past which was no better ... dad passed away, i carried the responsibiltiy of providing for family, doing my studies & work, challenges at work, 1st boyfriend slept with other woman etc, so not tat really bad.
Some ppl commented my life is a sad story. Sometimes i do think so. But dun like to keep self pity.
Have pick up some courage (though sometimes procastinate again) to move on life.
But if time turn back, 那个人还会是你!
Now? no, i refrain from emotional attach.
Cos got a new reader (heehee). Somehow make me want to reread my blog.
That period was pain full of pain & hurt. Tears every minute
Now m i better? i dun think so. Until e day i dare to pick up karaoke singing again. Cos some songs can trigger tear gland again.
But guess coping better. More control.
Thanks to friends who show concern. They are also helpless on how to help me. But by those messages and concerns, really good enough to make me stronger
Thanks to some books offered by Mr Edward Chye. Pain to read what authors said, realise what mistakes in the marriage. But it calm me down somehow
Thanks to my past which was no better ... dad passed away, i carried the responsibiltiy of providing for family, doing my studies & work, challenges at work, 1st boyfriend slept with other woman etc, so not tat really bad.
Some ppl commented my life is a sad story. Sometimes i do think so. But dun like to keep self pity.
Have pick up some courage (though sometimes procastinate again) to move on life.
But if time turn back, 那个人还会是你!
Now? no, i refrain from emotional attach.
found ?
在太阳系(Solar System)九颗行星当中,火星排行第四,和“老三”地球的距离第二近(离地球最近的行星是金星(Venus))。火星离地球到底有多近呢?天文学家提供的数据是:不固定,可以长达1亿138公里,也可以短至5500万公里。
天文学家把这种天文奇观称为“火星大冲”(Mars Opposition),而这样的“火星大冲”在公元前5万5534年前发生过一次,而下一次要再看到,就要等到2287年8月28日了。
1. 火星名字的由来
2. 地球和火星相似的地方
-地球和火星都属于类地行星(terrestrial planets)。
(类地行星的家族还有水星(Mercury)和金星(Venus)。类地行星的特点是,由较重元素的固体组成,通常体积较小。木星(Jupiter)、土星(Saturn)、天王星 (Uranus)和海王星 (Neptune),则全都是由气体,主要是氢(Hydrogen)和氦(helium)等构成的巨大类木行星 (jovian planets))。
3. 地球人对火星进行探索
4. 要怎么样才可以看到火星?
Amateur Status Advantage
Professionals observed big things far away and published in the prestigious Astrophysical Journal—which, as if to rub it in, ranked papers by the distances of their subjects, with galaxies at the front of each issue, stars in the middle, and planets, on the rare occasion that they appeared in the Journal at all, relegated to the rear. Amateurs showed schoolchildren the rings of Saturn at 76 power through a tripod-mounted spyglass at the State Fair. Inevitably, a few professionals disdained the amateurs. When Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto, the astronomer Joel Stebbins, usually a more charitable man, dismissed him as “a sub-amateur assistant.” There are of course professionals who kept up good relationships with amateurs, and amateurs who did solid work without fretting over their status. But generally speaking, the amateurs lived in the valley of the shadow of the mountaintops. Which was odd, in a way, because for most of its long history, astronomy has been primarily an amateur pursuit.
Nicolaus Copernicus, who in 1543 moved the Earth from the center of the universe and put the Sun there instead (thus replacing a dead-end mistake with an open-ended mistake, one that encouraged the raising of new questions), was a Renaissance man, adept at many things, but only a sometime astronomer. Johannes Kepler, who discovered that planets orbit in ellipses rather than circles, made a living mainly by casting horoscopes, teaching grade school, and scrounging royal commissions to support the publication of his books. Edmond Halley, after whom the comet is named, was an amateur whose accomplishments—among them a year spent observing from St. Helena, a South Atlantic island so remote that Napoleon Bonaparte was sent there to serve out his second and terminal exile—got him named Astronomer Royal.
Even in the twentieth century, while they were being eclipsed by the burgeoning professional class, amateurs continued to make valuable contributions to astronomical research. Arthur Stanley Williams, a lawyer, charted the differential rotation of Jupiter’s clouds and created the system of Jovian nomenclature used in Jupiter studies ever since. Milton Humason, a former watermelon farmer who worked as a muleteer at Mount Wilson, teamed up with the astronomer Edwin Hubble to chart the size and expansion rate of the universe. The solar research conducted by the industrial engineer Robert McMath, at an observatory he built in the rear garden of his home in Detroit, so impressed astronomers that he was named to the National Academy of Sciences, served as president of the American Astronomical Society, a professional organization, and helped plan Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, where the world’s largest solar telescope was named in his honor. (From: The Best American Science & Nature Writings)
Amateurs have, for millennia, led the way to exploring the heavens, and despite a disadvantage in the size, technology and positioning of telescopic equipment, continued to compete well with professionals throughout the 20th century. How were they able to compete? Because astronomy is all about curiosity, diligence, and patience—the attributes of successful investors and business analysts.
The amateur investor has every right to believe he or she can compete toe to toe with professional money managers. From my humble office overlooking the Singapore River, with only an Internet connection and a bookstore discount card I have been able to achieve 40% annual total returns over the last several years, soundly outperforming AsiaPacific fund managers with teams of analysts, billions of dollars worth of influence, board seats, Bloomberg screens, and company Mercedes. Well, I wouldn’t mind the company Mercedes, but all the other bells and whistles have not added to fund investor’s fortunes. In fact, it certainly costs them dearly.
The heavens don’t change very quickly, and neither do businesses. An amateur astronomer and an amateur investor have this distinct advantage of slow paced phenomena to observe. Up-to-the-second news flashes and streaming stock prices don’t help improve portfolio returns any more than up-to-the-minute star charts would help astronomers. Amateur astronomer Stephen James O’Meara, son of a Cambridge, Massachusetts lobster fisherman, while still a teenager, saw and mapped radial “spokes” on Saturn’s rings that professional astronomers dismissed as illusory—until Voyager reached Saturn and confirmed that the spokes were real. He determined the rotation rate of the planet Uranus, obtaining a value wildly at variance with those produced by professionals with larger telescopes and sophisticated detectors, and proved to be right about that too. He was the first human to see Haley’s comet on its 1985 return, a feat he accomplished using a 24-inch telescope at an altitude of 14,000 feet while breathing bottled oxygen. Fortunately for the amateur investor, no modern tools of stock analysis have proven more valuable than good judgment and business sense (common sense).
The 3 May 2004 Straits Times Money writer, Lee Su Shyan says, "Few retail investors have the time and resources to conduct the kind of in-depth research that a professional fund manager can accomplish, so retail investors often don't know what questions they need to ask." I think the real reason few fund managers attend AGMs is because few fund managers really care about the business and management, as their turnover ratios clearly show. If you don't own a business long enough to collect dividends, why would you care about dividend policies? If you don't own a business long enough for a strategy to unfold, why would you care about the long-term business outlook? If you can buy IPO placement shares and dump them a day later, how important is the AGM? How many funds owned Informatics and failed to ask management the right questions?
One or two in ten fund managers outperform relevant indexes over the years, so why are they held up as geniuses with all the 'intelligent questions'? I don't know how many fund managers Lee Su Shyan knows, or how many AGM were personally attended to write such an article? I attended eight AGM during April for businesses held by our WS8 Portfolio at WallStraits, and in general I would say retail investors are long-term focused, and informed enough to ask probing, relevant, and 'intelligent' questions of their management. There are the occasional 'share price' questions and the occasional nonsense questions, but these are the exception, not the rule.
Big professionally managed funds, despite their sophistication, suffer under the weight of billion dollar portfolios, while amateurs can nimbly accumulate small stakes in a handful of enticing micro-cap businesses not even on the fund radar screen. Just like the Cold .45 was an equalizer in the Wild West, the Internet is the equalizer for small investors, placing an incredible amount of business and industry information at your fingertips. Interpretation, not information, is the limiting factor for investors today. Businesses evolve quarter-to-quarter and year-to-year. Long-term trends in sales, earnings and intelligent capital allocation that indicate strong shareholder-orientation is what slow-motion observers search for. And better than amateur astronomy, amateur investing pays well!
Anyone who wants to be a truly great observer should start with the planets, because that is where you learn patience. It’s amazing what you can learn to see, given enough time. That’s the most important and critical factor in observing—time, time, time—though you never see it in an equation.
-- Stephen James O'Meara
在太阳系(Solar System)九颗行星当中,火星排行第四,和“老三”地球的距离第二近(离地球最近的行星是金星(Venus))。火星离地球到底有多近呢?天文学家提供的数据是:不固定,可以长达1亿138公里,也可以短至5500万公里。
天文学家把这种天文奇观称为“火星大冲”(Mars Opposition),而这样的“火星大冲”在公元前5万5534年前发生过一次,而下一次要再看到,就要等到2287年8月28日了。
1. 火星名字的由来
2. 地球和火星相似的地方
-地球和火星都属于类地行星(terrestrial planets)。
(类地行星的家族还有水星(Mercury)和金星(Venus)。类地行星的特点是,由较重元素的固体组成,通常体积较小。木星(Jupiter)、土星(Saturn)、天王星 (Uranus)和海王星 (Neptune),则全都是由气体,主要是氢(Hydrogen)和氦(helium)等构成的巨大类木行星 (jovian planets))。
3. 地球人对火星进行探索
4. 要怎么样才可以看到火星?
Amateur Status Advantage
Professionals observed big things far away and published in the prestigious Astrophysical Journal—which, as if to rub it in, ranked papers by the distances of their subjects, with galaxies at the front of each issue, stars in the middle, and planets, on the rare occasion that they appeared in the Journal at all, relegated to the rear. Amateurs showed schoolchildren the rings of Saturn at 76 power through a tripod-mounted spyglass at the State Fair. Inevitably, a few professionals disdained the amateurs. When Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto, the astronomer Joel Stebbins, usually a more charitable man, dismissed him as “a sub-amateur assistant.” There are of course professionals who kept up good relationships with amateurs, and amateurs who did solid work without fretting over their status. But generally speaking, the amateurs lived in the valley of the shadow of the mountaintops. Which was odd, in a way, because for most of its long history, astronomy has been primarily an amateur pursuit.
Nicolaus Copernicus, who in 1543 moved the Earth from the center of the universe and put the Sun there instead (thus replacing a dead-end mistake with an open-ended mistake, one that encouraged the raising of new questions), was a Renaissance man, adept at many things, but only a sometime astronomer. Johannes Kepler, who discovered that planets orbit in ellipses rather than circles, made a living mainly by casting horoscopes, teaching grade school, and scrounging royal commissions to support the publication of his books. Edmond Halley, after whom the comet is named, was an amateur whose accomplishments—among them a year spent observing from St. Helena, a South Atlantic island so remote that Napoleon Bonaparte was sent there to serve out his second and terminal exile—got him named Astronomer Royal.
Even in the twentieth century, while they were being eclipsed by the burgeoning professional class, amateurs continued to make valuable contributions to astronomical research. Arthur Stanley Williams, a lawyer, charted the differential rotation of Jupiter’s clouds and created the system of Jovian nomenclature used in Jupiter studies ever since. Milton Humason, a former watermelon farmer who worked as a muleteer at Mount Wilson, teamed up with the astronomer Edwin Hubble to chart the size and expansion rate of the universe. The solar research conducted by the industrial engineer Robert McMath, at an observatory he built in the rear garden of his home in Detroit, so impressed astronomers that he was named to the National Academy of Sciences, served as president of the American Astronomical Society, a professional organization, and helped plan Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, where the world’s largest solar telescope was named in his honor. (From: The Best American Science & Nature Writings)
Amateurs have, for millennia, led the way to exploring the heavens, and despite a disadvantage in the size, technology and positioning of telescopic equipment, continued to compete well with professionals throughout the 20th century. How were they able to compete? Because astronomy is all about curiosity, diligence, and patience—the attributes of successful investors and business analysts.
The amateur investor has every right to believe he or she can compete toe to toe with professional money managers. From my humble office overlooking the Singapore River, with only an Internet connection and a bookstore discount card I have been able to achieve 40% annual total returns over the last several years, soundly outperforming AsiaPacific fund managers with teams of analysts, billions of dollars worth of influence, board seats, Bloomberg screens, and company Mercedes. Well, I wouldn’t mind the company Mercedes, but all the other bells and whistles have not added to fund investor’s fortunes. In fact, it certainly costs them dearly.
The heavens don’t change very quickly, and neither do businesses. An amateur astronomer and an amateur investor have this distinct advantage of slow paced phenomena to observe. Up-to-the-second news flashes and streaming stock prices don’t help improve portfolio returns any more than up-to-the-minute star charts would help astronomers. Amateur astronomer Stephen James O’Meara, son of a Cambridge, Massachusetts lobster fisherman, while still a teenager, saw and mapped radial “spokes” on Saturn’s rings that professional astronomers dismissed as illusory—until Voyager reached Saturn and confirmed that the spokes were real. He determined the rotation rate of the planet Uranus, obtaining a value wildly at variance with those produced by professionals with larger telescopes and sophisticated detectors, and proved to be right about that too. He was the first human to see Haley’s comet on its 1985 return, a feat he accomplished using a 24-inch telescope at an altitude of 14,000 feet while breathing bottled oxygen. Fortunately for the amateur investor, no modern tools of stock analysis have proven more valuable than good judgment and business sense (common sense).
The 3 May 2004 Straits Times Money writer, Lee Su Shyan says, "Few retail investors have the time and resources to conduct the kind of in-depth research that a professional fund manager can accomplish, so retail investors often don't know what questions they need to ask." I think the real reason few fund managers attend AGMs is because few fund managers really care about the business and management, as their turnover ratios clearly show. If you don't own a business long enough to collect dividends, why would you care about dividend policies? If you don't own a business long enough for a strategy to unfold, why would you care about the long-term business outlook? If you can buy IPO placement shares and dump them a day later, how important is the AGM? How many funds owned Informatics and failed to ask management the right questions?
One or two in ten fund managers outperform relevant indexes over the years, so why are they held up as geniuses with all the 'intelligent questions'? I don't know how many fund managers Lee Su Shyan knows, or how many AGM were personally attended to write such an article? I attended eight AGM during April for businesses held by our WS8 Portfolio at WallStraits, and in general I would say retail investors are long-term focused, and informed enough to ask probing, relevant, and 'intelligent' questions of their management. There are the occasional 'share price' questions and the occasional nonsense questions, but these are the exception, not the rule.
Big professionally managed funds, despite their sophistication, suffer under the weight of billion dollar portfolios, while amateurs can nimbly accumulate small stakes in a handful of enticing micro-cap businesses not even on the fund radar screen. Just like the Cold .45 was an equalizer in the Wild West, the Internet is the equalizer for small investors, placing an incredible amount of business and industry information at your fingertips. Interpretation, not information, is the limiting factor for investors today. Businesses evolve quarter-to-quarter and year-to-year. Long-term trends in sales, earnings and intelligent capital allocation that indicate strong shareholder-orientation is what slow-motion observers search for. And better than amateur astronomy, amateur investing pays well!
Anyone who wants to be a truly great observer should start with the planets, because that is where you learn patience. It’s amazing what you can learn to see, given enough time. That’s the most important and critical factor in observing—time, time, time—though you never see it in an equation.
-- Stephen James O'Meara
Lychee Martini
Hee tat is last fri
same thoughts
friendship? :)really dun wan to forget the invitation cos friend hard to come by??
same thoughts
friendship? :)really dun wan to forget the invitation cos friend hard to come by??
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
a $95 printer
Been wanting to buy a printer since the day i think i will tender resignation.
So set a painful budget of $200.
Then surfed net overnite and Canon caught my eyes as it is have its 70 yr anniversary. So saw a bubblejet printer at $179...then $149...
Wen to Vivocity yesterday to meet a GRL for lunch (so as to get my butt out of hse). After that stroll ard. Did not really bother with clothes etc. Been doing that before GSS so now loss interest. Anyway normal times discount is 20% n GSS still go abt 20%, nothing thrill. At Canon showroom saw ip1880.. $109. So much slimmer also.
But still unsure becos it stated photo printer... will it not able to print colour doc??????
So many questions in mind.
Today went to Sim Lim with a friend. Wow, $95 only! and can still go and redeem a mouse at Funan.
Ok, i bought Sony Vaio also. Not rich lah, if rich i go for fujisu. E 1 in my office is so slim and light. But it costs at least $3k!!!! Got VGN C25G - Black. Cos the other colour look like cartoon... pink, green... even the baby blue cannot raise appetite.
Y did i buy? cos once i out of job would still need a machine to work on. Have ibook but many things cannot download or upload. Imagine i just want to apply passport online it said cannot. I wan to go to Sony website it said cannot.. n many more application prob. REN WU KE REN so die die no $ also get to buy one...
Now i have prob. cannot interchange to key in chinese words. GOSH. HOpe can be solved...
So set a painful budget of $200.
Then surfed net overnite and Canon caught my eyes as it is have its 70 yr anniversary. So saw a bubblejet printer at $179...then $149...
Wen to Vivocity yesterday to meet a GRL for lunch (so as to get my butt out of hse). After that stroll ard. Did not really bother with clothes etc. Been doing that before GSS so now loss interest. Anyway normal times discount is 20% n GSS still go abt 20%, nothing thrill. At Canon showroom saw ip1880.. $109. So much slimmer also.
But still unsure becos it stated photo printer... will it not able to print colour doc??????
So many questions in mind.
Today went to Sim Lim with a friend. Wow, $95 only! and can still go and redeem a mouse at Funan.
Ok, i bought Sony Vaio also. Not rich lah, if rich i go for fujisu. E 1 in my office is so slim and light. But it costs at least $3k!!!! Got VGN C25G - Black. Cos the other colour look like cartoon... pink, green... even the baby blue cannot raise appetite.
Y did i buy? cos once i out of job would still need a machine to work on. Have ibook but many things cannot download or upload. Imagine i just want to apply passport online it said cannot. I wan to go to Sony website it said cannot.. n many more application prob. REN WU KE REN so die die no $ also get to buy one...
Now i have prob. cannot interchange to key in chinese words. GOSH. HOpe can be solved...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
ibook.. so many cannot!
saw this cheap digital voice recorder at $99. wanted to buy but non compatible with Mac so how?
i will change it soooooooonnnnnnnnn
i will change it soooooooonnnnnnnnn
Monday, June 11, 2007

how come no one talk to me and ask me to take on SCM post last time! :(
How come now i wan to leave nobody bother to give me encouragement esp on my studies?????
everytime liek that one. Ppl assume i can do it or i will manage.
But i still woman mah, somemore old liao.. need encouragement.
Calling to give up? Never had so i created
In the bus suddenly i wonder how come this time i jus give up the job like that!!!!
In the past i kept say want to quit but did not. Even now ppl dun really believe me.
But i really going to quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly feel cannot bear to leave cos i enjoy the mega events. Many eyes looking at how i solve problems on the spot.
Suddenly felt that somebody GOD is trying to make me pave way for him to get up there. But i suddenly dun feel angry.
Instead off the bus i told Wilson that his GOD is arranging it so that he can take on. So he CANNOT REJECT w/o trying
To try and die is ok. No try yet die is a NO NO.
Never take up how to know if can handle? If tried and cannot handle n fail then jus leave.
I left him with these words
Those words are for myself also. Suddenly i dun wan to u turn and remain in that big cosy room. An office room i called it MINE. I may not have anymore such oppt in my life anymore to enjoy e priviledge. Will i regret? I will i think. But i dun wan to think so much already. Jus feel like want to take the course, even go down to executive.. will be hard but after so many years being suppressed. Live for other. I wan to do sth silly but been hoping...
Will have prob with my course cos need project group n i know ppl wont liek me the first tiem they see me. So i may end up with no group. Tat deters me. Worry me. But i dun wan to give up.
A friend commented i am a 'good boss'. He said he never have. I told him i DIN have also. So when i got the oppt to be a boss, i created that. Ok, some will still think i am not good. But i done my best to protect staff. Think have done most. Other gaps is cos mgmt style still not established.
today a day full of hope n alot of uncertainties
In the past i kept say want to quit but did not. Even now ppl dun really believe me.
But i really going to quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly feel cannot bear to leave cos i enjoy the mega events. Many eyes looking at how i solve problems on the spot.
Suddenly felt that somebody GOD is trying to make me pave way for him to get up there. But i suddenly dun feel angry.
Instead off the bus i told Wilson that his GOD is arranging it so that he can take on. So he CANNOT REJECT w/o trying
To try and die is ok. No try yet die is a NO NO.
Never take up how to know if can handle? If tried and cannot handle n fail then jus leave.
I left him with these words
Those words are for myself also. Suddenly i dun wan to u turn and remain in that big cosy room. An office room i called it MINE. I may not have anymore such oppt in my life anymore to enjoy e priviledge. Will i regret? I will i think. But i dun wan to think so much already. Jus feel like want to take the course, even go down to executive.. will be hard but after so many years being suppressed. Live for other. I wan to do sth silly but been hoping...
Will have prob with my course cos need project group n i know ppl wont liek me the first tiem they see me. So i may end up with no group. Tat deters me. Worry me. But i dun wan to give up.
A friend commented i am a 'good boss'. He said he never have. I told him i DIN have also. So when i got the oppt to be a boss, i created that. Ok, some will still think i am not good. But i done my best to protect staff. Think have done most. Other gaps is cos mgmt style still not established.
today a day full of hope n alot of uncertainties
Friday, June 08, 2007
Ppl like to give stupid judgement
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Never keep to time

It was about 2am last nite i fell asleep.
It was 6.50am today i woke up.
that's about 5 hours of zzz only.
My hp alarm indicated 8.30am
This is recurring again and again.
Dun like to wake up early as will have morning sinus n realy bad one. Perfect if i get up say 9.30am
Maybe maybe i am subconsciously adjusting myself to a new change
Really hope the changeS can occur
I also wan to be like bro bear, put pic here :P
Always have this problem. Appetite tends to grow at night. Lucky not vampire going ard to suck blood.
Today i did it again. Ate a big bowl of noodles at 11pm. Ytd past midnight.
No wonder tummy jus grow.
Can you all pls keep remind me dun eat at nite??????????
Today i did it again. Ate a big bowl of noodles at 11pm. Ytd past midnight.
No wonder tummy jus grow.
Can you all pls keep remind me dun eat at nite??????????
Saturday, June 02, 2007
wat a FISH!
First time dealing with a fish n yeah so much succes
But while holding it, i felt like crying... it seemed staring at me citing i m a murderer
the outcome was real good, even myself cannot believe it
:) :) :)
Star Grading: TWO and a half
First time dealing with a fish n yeah so much succes
But while holding it, i felt like crying... it seemed staring at me citing i m a murderer
the outcome was real good, even myself cannot believe it
:) :) :)
Star Grading: TWO and a half
Very anxiously waiting
Why is two simple tasks turn so difficult????
Spend money n time n still have to wait.
Tat change should be swift.
how how, make me anxious only
Dun make me have 2nd thought on it,plssssssssssssssssssssssss
Spend money n time n still have to wait.
Tat change should be swift.
how how, make me anxious only
Dun make me have 2nd thought on it,plssssssssssssssssssssssss
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