Monday, September 24, 2007


cannot take pic of camera so took this ;)


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

195 times- latest record as last week


Translation exam is soooooo near

got to get another big dictionary as likely the electronic one cannot be used. But it is sooooo time consuming to check dictionary lor

V expensive on books nowadays. That remind me to really be careful with my spending cos bro goin to poly next year and all $ likely from me.

So it be maggi mee now and then.

Will cut down meeting friends

Thursday, September 20, 2007

u noe me well

dinner ytd

but e main dish was curry so diahorrea till this afternoon!

Finally a camera of my own

But i cannot take pic with it to show u how it looks like :P

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Invasion

It started yesterday on my way to exam. Suddenly i think that man will be back. he has not been contacting me since the day i asked for payment. So i sent an sms to him- whr he is. this feeling of him coming back n perhap to force settlement was so close as real.

Last nite at about 10pm(?) He came back.

This time extremely unfriendly n even violent.

Not yet on me (which is not something new if he can rem). But trying to slam everything he can find.

Dun understand why he think i will behave the way he wanna. Funni. If we can do that, guess that wont make us walk to the divorce light. If so, there wont be another sweet one outside isn't it?

This mornin the storm was v intimidating. Lucky, it was really real luck or pure coincident that i have a movie date so i left real early. Many knew i wont really ask to watch movie.......this round nicole kidman caught my eye n i dated my friend to watch. Booked ticket in advance somemore! so UNme.

So will the motive real as wat came to my mind?

If so, i have to fight hard. It hurting but i need to fight for own survival. That sum tat was promised to discard me he has to honour it before i give up. Do be assure i already let go only giving up is real hard unless suddenly get real decent accomodation.

Tire of fighting but life has structured itself such that.......

"The Invasion"
The mysterious crash of a space shuttle leads to a terrifying discovery - a growing epidemic. Victims suffer attack while they sleep, leaving them physically unchanged, but strangely unfeeling and inhuman.

That two parts which leave me alot of thinking.
(1) Some diplomat remark about human, chaos n human. Human r still animal?!?
(2) When Ken or Ben (sorry bad in remembering cast role name) finally went to meet up with Carol (Kidman), Carol broke down, cried and hugged him very very tightly, as if he is the pillar. However at that point this guy already got infected. He tried to psycho Carol to give up rebelling n 'join' them. She almost give in until being told that her son will not be allow to exist as he failed to blend into the system.

Human r still human, there are emotions and care and love.
But being human as human, there are inhuman side of them.

Nevetherless, perhap if i can infected by this virus will be quite good ;)

if i still wan to breathe, need to put on that brave front n retailate back. Protect ownself, get back human right. Mangojo is a human. Stop abusing like tat

Saturday, September 15, 2007

shocking eye deflation

at 4am this morning, i woke. Discovered that i rubbed my left eye too hard. Then eye cannot open. It keep tearing. Can find the filmsy layer sort of 'dented'.

It not first time i ever have such attack. But bad timing. 4am such accident, 10am exam. Planned to wake at 7am to do last revision since din do on thurs n fri. Bacially after start work no time to read. But in the end panick. Lucky at 7.30am eye can open n tearing not so serious.

Right now at 7pm, eye still itch n sore

:( worry worry

tat bet was on!

Think i already merge into the company culture liao.

Starting my betting rite after exam! see my friend too up and said if she score below certain grade i treat her lunch. Suck man, this time disappt me n i got to treat! lucky settled her with old chang kee. Hope she wont hound at me tmr heehee

To respect individual privacy, not revealing who n the grade.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

it is bored to wake up on time, go work on time, cannot go off on time even nothing to do. Back home (lucky) 8.30pm. Waste 1.5 hours n got to hit e bed

Saturday, September 08, 2007


it is really such a bliss to have dinner delivered!

I wan to take pic but PDA not cooperating.

I had it reset to factory setting so now having prb to download pic taken. The bluetooth not really working :(

Such unique dinner and a quick shopping ard :))

My left eye swollen due to contact len.

Still very tire despite zzz long hour this afternoon

hope tmr can start studying or this sat go exam with nothing in the brain