Friday, July 20, 2007

this moment of weakness

Ppl would always expect me to be happy, cheery and jovial.

I tried n try n succeeded to put on act most of e times.

Suck, this moment jus feel so tire n weak.

Not so much cos of exam but e hurt that got deeper.

E process is really scarey. Sometimes it even involve mind game.

Maybe i should once again disappear n that could be better?

dun like the drama as i am not in control.

Lose control is sth v scarey

Here or there i jus cant shake off e hurt

But also know that hurt only work on self if i wan it to overrule.

Y did i ever let other ppl to ruin my life once and again?

Crappy tat make me wan to eat crab

sometimes i seek friends for virtual hugs.

Today an ex colleague suddenly msn me a hug.

Tat friendship knot i will always rem

Now, a friendship hug can give me courage to walk a little further

eve of exam n still KLKK

No mood

Too many other things to ponder about

Too many other things to get nervous over

Dun fail me

Monday, July 16, 2007

Translate me!

The first milestone was passed when the ancient Greeks recognised that wind and rain, heat and cold, were not caused by deities punishing or rewarding their subjects but rather by processes taking place in atmosphere.

Wat is ur Chinese translation???

Answer be provided on next page

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lost- suddenly lazy

I been a lazy person for life.

Past few yrs work kept me busy n not a time for breathing.

Now suddenly i sinked into state of laziness again

wan to do alot of things but end up doing nothing

Looking back, it is really scarey to work like mad

no more courage for such workload n maddness

It disgusting!

Somehow secretly beginn to get this notion - some oldies ard me try to boast their morale using me.


Like wan me go drink with them...

when i say old it is really OLD.

I dun discriminate friend of any age. But the intention is questionable.

Dun ask me who n start ur nonsense guessing cos most dun know this person.

Yesterday somebody asked me how that 'bro' i called so dear.

Very sad to say he did not respect me

Having divorce does not mean i m a desperate one


Saturday, July 14, 2007


Met two long lost friends this evening.

Secondary school friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

feel like a human again

Though abit distance but i think as time pass by will get back momentum.

Goodbye PA, Goodbye times whr i feel inferior to meet friends. Goodbye a marriage that made me worst in front of ppl, goodbye time i cant control

** m tipsy now.. well from mocha

think long term or short term?

Money or loyalty?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Studies, Assignment, Leaving Service, New job, Advance Theory, pc game

These are the things kept me busy from writting blog.

Anyway quite disappointing, thought can know more ppl but as usual not fruitful.

Guess i not the 'first eye' friend. Ppl will only talk to me after a few times. I wonder how to create that 'first hit' instantly.

Anway does not really matter.

I hope my friend stop telling ppl i m married. It is quite embarassing when new acquainted ppl ask 'wat ur hubby doing', 'u have children'??? aiyo! i din even tell them i married lei.

2 Aug - good or bad??