Friday, July 20, 2007

this moment of weakness

Ppl would always expect me to be happy, cheery and jovial.

I tried n try n succeeded to put on act most of e times.

Suck, this moment jus feel so tire n weak.

Not so much cos of exam but e hurt that got deeper.

E process is really scarey. Sometimes it even involve mind game.

Maybe i should once again disappear n that could be better?

dun like the drama as i am not in control.

Lose control is sth v scarey

Here or there i jus cant shake off e hurt

But also know that hurt only work on self if i wan it to overrule.

Y did i ever let other ppl to ruin my life once and again?

Crappy tat make me wan to eat crab

sometimes i seek friends for virtual hugs.

Today an ex colleague suddenly msn me a hug.

Tat friendship knot i will always rem

Now, a friendship hug can give me courage to walk a little further

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