Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Inspiration to leave a job

Hmm not yet not yet.

Not prepare to leave w/o a job. $ is one thing but also dun wan to be too comfy at home n then living in my own world again.

Still rem vividly that the period b4 i joined PA, actually confine myself at home. Din even want to step out house. I dun wan tat to happen again.

Already now staying alone, i face 4 walls every nite (not v big deal, not horny to wan a man beside k! heehee). Imagine i live w/o a job? then the 4 walls become my full time buddies!

i told one of myy GRLs via sms ytd nite. Work is bored, no work also bored. So he concluded for me that then stay at work. So still get chanced to be irriated! wahahah

my next job cannot have oppt to deal with customers, no shift work, no sales


Tibetan Nun said...

MangoJo, Im waiting for you "outside". Come join us !

~~ Juz Me (",) said...

Umm... how about being a maid??? Not bad mah... accomodation & food provided haha!!! :P :P :P