Sunday, April 29, 2007

msn friendster

aiyo, recently i found myself not so faithful in front of laptop. In fact i used to be online till wee hours. Now i dun. Din even check working emails at home.

Watching TV n sleeping become my major R&R. Not to mention those irritting housework. I really wonder... i dun spend so much time at home n y the floor forever looks n feel so dirty lei! MAD!

Jus a spur of moment to change topic..... so gemini

My tummy jus baloon n ballon. Now i wonder is that fats or tumour! haaa somehow the latter will be better choice for me LOL. So tdy i went to shop aft a stupid brisk walk. N i have updated my wardrobe with a number of oversize tops. Thos that pregnant ladies will wear bah :P (o, shit, no no , not pregnant lah). Hope it can cover my bloated tummy lei. So sad. I have never been fat before.........

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