Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Its e SICK season

this mornign suppose to go on course.

I woke at 7am n force myself to bath with thunderstorm rite outside the window.

Then headache, stomachache n running nose.

No choice, went to clinic instead. Thought it will be fast cos it was only 8.30am lor. But i already in number 12th position!!!!

N ppl ard me are like a mirror to me. Same pattern.. all nose red red

pull myself n came back to office.

Staff also sick but he still come to work. So i got to since i m e 'boss' tat wat they hinting.

Head soooo heavy

Emails keep piling.

Ppl keep accusing us of not efficient.

Fuck them. come here and work n they know wat we are doing

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