Saturday, June 23, 2007

Looking back

Race through some of my past blogs.

Cos got a new reader (heehee). Somehow make me want to reread my blog.

That period was pain full of pain & hurt. Tears every minute

Now m i better? i dun think so. Until e day i dare to pick up karaoke singing again. Cos some songs can trigger tear gland again.

But guess coping better. More control.

Thanks to friends who show concern. They are also helpless on how to help me. But by those messages and concerns, really good enough to make me stronger

Thanks to some books offered by Mr Edward Chye. Pain to read what authors said, realise what mistakes in the marriage. But it calm me down somehow

Thanks to my past which was no better ... dad passed away, i carried the responsibiltiy of providing for family, doing my studies & work, challenges at work, 1st boyfriend slept with other woman etc, so not tat really bad.

Some ppl commented my life is a sad story. Sometimes i do think so. But dun like to keep self pity.

Have pick up some courage (though sometimes procastinate again) to move on life.

But if time turn back, 那个人还会是你!

Now? no, i refrain from emotional attach.

1 comment:

Tibetan Nun said...

I had alot of bad episodes in the past & would wallow in self-pity. But I got around it cos I realise feeling defeated wasnt going to make things any better & it aint going to make the other persons who inflicted the pain on you more guilty. So, keep a happy frame & keep your optimism up ! U can do it ! Cheers !