Monday, December 24, 2007

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 5

There are surprises today at office which i did not manage to take pic

(1) Stalk of flower nicely wrapped given by the temp gals
(2) a pooh bear soft toy hp holder from Donut
(3) a Hello Kitty Uno card set and same kitty water tumble from Lisa & Winn. They feel i will be lonely once moving over to the new workstation and it is too far from pantry. So thoughtful!
(4) SMS and e greetings

Every little and big wishes are precious :)

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 4

From a little gal that top blown up too big wahahahaha

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 3)

haaaaa finally someone learnt wat is the true colour of purple!

got to give lecture many times before he got the shade rite wahaahahahahha

Thanks and thanks for giving present on time.

Guess wat u got from me, u probably had already. But as i pre-warned, you kind of nice gesture to say u yet to have it. Nevertheless u should start using this new one and discard the old haaaaaaa

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 2a)

the harmless looking case.

So actually when i got it, din bother to open cos too lazy to fold back.

Then was reminded to open and see haaaaaa

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 2)

This one from new office colleague. She was my angle

Got it on friday during the not so pleasant lunch though

But it is so funni. Suppose a pillow case.

It is a lonely Xmas (as usual) but there are still lotsa friendship gifts (part 1

I dun bother if the presents are expensive or not. As long as they are sincere gifts from friends :)

Dun think i can post many pics in one post.

Start this with Wei Pei (received on 22 Dec 2007). Wore it on 23 Dec 2007 during Charity sales

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Help out @ Christmas Charity Bizzard

Today is finally the day i have to help out at our company charity function.

Went out house at 8.45am despite sale to be start at 10am. Din want to be late and thought it was good to go early n set up.

Reached venue at about 9.40am n no one there. Luckily a aunty came and she spoke to me. At first got abit panic as not sure which stall meant for me. All were covered up with canvas. Finally managed to settle down.

At 1020am, my 'buddy' had not turn up. Quite piss as got to set up stall. And no one to brief. Then came a guy who was suppose ( i still think) e main organiser. He came and was telling me wat to do, set up this and that. Well, ur friend here of cos not happy. Told him to go and set up the hook for hanging clothes instead :P e wife was rather rude and the kid was helping in an unhelpful way!

Finally 'buddy' came.

In between, was rather shocked that ppl actually came and bought items. I was like the first among all to start having biz (so pleased). I din really bother when ppl came over as was setting up stall. But it was quite interesting and abit cunning of me lah. I jus let the kids play with the toys and guess the mummIES were feelin abit bad and hence bought the items haaaaaa. Maybe i should credit my display strategy. Place those Pokemon CDs prominently and some toys that were so handy for kids to touch n play haaa

My buddy was such a quiet person and she jus took one of the books to read. So i kept running to another stall to chit with other colleagues (whom i still dun know their names haaa).

As mentioned, there are unsolicited sales n tend to come over to me heehee.

At about 11+, i was getting very tire already. My chair was taken by 'buddy' so was standing there for an hour over. Finally 'buddy' realised that and got me a chair haa.

So wat were we selling? GOSH... 2nd hand items. There are kiddy toys and 2nd hand books. And some other environmental books by a society.

At 12+, 'buddy' and i each read own books. And realised that only me tend to give silly smile whenever someone approach our stall.

At 2+, two veteran staff came and told us excitedly that they bought more things to sell. Was anticipating for better quality thingys. But...... almost faint! WOnder who were those ppl who so bad give bad and smelly clothings for sale! i mean even if we are talking about 2nd hand items here, there must be QC mah!!!

Still feel abit sour. I think that 'buddy' din wan to dig through the stack n got me do it. The pungent smell and disgusting stain on those clothes really make me puke!! And my face got itch, guessed must be the dirt flying ard.

In the end, we jus put two boxes meant for toys and clothes separately. Managed to dig out a colourful pants and put it on top purposely. Guess wat! Bingo!! ppl actually buy it. GOSH.

There was a v touching moment. An aunty came over with a pile of books and told us that since it was meant for charity, she took her daughter's unused novels to contribute to our pool of items to sell. At least the novels are well maintained.

Left the place at 230pm. We had more cash than wat was recorded. Guess i must have forgotten to record down haaaaa.

Headed down to another level. got a xmas present and then pairs of shoes. As usual, it took me jus than 3 min to buy the shoes. Buying shoes go by the heart. If the design or the look catch my heart and price is ok (my ok is really like less than $20) will ask for the size walk 3 steps, check the quality and pay. No dilly dally hee

Nothing for tops as i m too fat liao. Really nowadays sizes r shrinking. YUCK!

Spoke to my ex collauge for almost an hour on the phone. Was very touched that some of them stil rem me and wanted to invite me over to their Xmas office party. But declined. Dont think appropriate for me to appear now that there are some internal politics. Better let them bond. Hopefully they will iron out conflicts asap. Very heartache. As it took me so much efforts to get a team and built their espirt de corp (lookin back, i actually transferred some who like to create office politics out of it despite lack manpower, but everyone were willing to take on more work). But it jus take one to two people who cannot split work and r'ship to ruin it. Anyway m in no position to say anything.


Saturday, December 22, 2007


to think of it, such a long time since shop w Sleepy.

V happy tdy. Met her tis afternoon. Shopped awhile,had afternoon tea. And got a pair of earrings from her as Xmas present!

But i do appear tire and talk far more less than last time. heehee old liao mah. N with such weather, recently i sleep alot alot more.

Came back early to actually zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. WOke only at 9pm u know!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

the little secrets and fears

I din really dare to tell out front that i yearn for KTV singing but at same time still worry.

Sometimes, the eyes jus wet by itself. Usually when a song stir emotion.

I have yet to step into singing box since last nov. Hence not sure how i will react. The problem is i dun wan to wet anyone else mood.

Truely, aft one yr i become stronger n braver.

It only that we are still human after all...

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Did almost 30min of hula while watching the Star Awards.

Nothing much to choose from tv programmes. There was news on CNA, Snow Dogs on Channel 5, Korea period drama on U and then the awards.

Still sweating now n awaiting to take bath and do eye mask :)

Still lazy to pack my bag for tmr

now u know why i gettin worry with this sluggish attitude

Lost again

There are many things i need to do. But once back at home, pace got stagnant again.

So wat does it mean?

It really waste of time. Am so angry with myself.

Not focus, not time sensitive.

Need inspiration jabs continuously.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

learnt these today:

Actually they are 对联 but also 诗词


Political twist:


Disgusted experience at Compass ActionCity


Went there to get a Xmas present for office exchange on 21st Dec 2007.

First, there were a couple of sales persons but they din offer to assist.

2nd, was then told to buy first then get the stuff for testing.

3rd, the gal who did the testing pull her face long and tookd her own sweet time. After that, crudely told me to queue up next time.


There was no human queue in front of me.

I was not told that there is queue in front of me.

She retailated she had alot of gifts to wrap.

MORE shocks!

She could have tell me that she need to finish wrapping. Btw the presents were not on the table and also i was not pushy. Was only asking if that is the correct counter for the testing as the 2nd staff jus look at this 3rd staff.

U know wat happen the next thing?

She slammed thing on floor when i reminded her to mind her customer service.

Great act, gal.

I wrote to the company and awaiting their response.

My conclusion:
Quite obvious this gal is tire
She could have wrap presents endlessly and got pissed
Only she is doing the wrapping and testing. There were some who jus STAND THERE.
She was not trained how to communicate with customer. Acted machiam like she is queen. Maybe at home she has such privilege. But this is outside and working dear.

Or sales is too good that there is no need to be nice to customer. Anyway already paid, wat can i do?

I would rather applause Mini Toons. Was fumed while walking to escalator. The mini toon staff greeted me and tried to invite me into the store to take a look. Theere was smile and energy!

The previous really spoil shoppin mood and really it is so disgusted

Company which uses temp staff need QC and training also.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fragmented thoughts

(1) On Translation Course

Gotta attend three lessons this week. One addition on thursday is meant to replace the one which lecturer overslept. Of cos, if u know me well, i am indeed very unhappy about it!

Anyway today managed to force myself to class despite the rain and really thankful the rain ceased on time for me to walk over from office to school without wet :)

It was still fruitful at class. Actually more fruitful. At least today i can understand at lest 80% as compared to the previous.

And there is something i m not proud to anounce but thought good to declare and confess here. Probably friends already know and put up with my that really 'cannot make it' english grammar. Haaaaaa really lah, when certain culture and vocab sink into ur everyday use, subconsciously u jus take it like a matter-of-fact.

Lecturer mentioned that alot of our spoken Singlish derive from confusion or infusion of Mandarin/Chinese into English. For instant, i m the constant culprit of 'eaten already', 'eat liao'

Well, have even coined 'done-D' to stress that the particular task is done.

That is the fusion between english and chinese. haaaaaa

So gulity and upset when lecturer said that she believes ppl like us who attend translation course... that our english should be powerful. :P nope i m not!

Nevertheless, i am jus one of those KS Singaporean MAH. Everything know abit here and there and no wiser of any. So becos i can read A-Z and abit of a,e,u,o,i and there i sign up for this cse :P

No no, not giving up and cry baby i cannot do this and that or bad at this and that. Jus continue to learn n beat myself. Cultivate and excel.

Many things have proven i m bad at this and that, it is getting bored. I wanna to have things to quantify i have improve.

:) Figher mangojo this moment

(2) At work

Too lazy to describe what happen but witnessed two silly women catfight in the office. One is a Snr Mgr and the other a Mgr. N as usual innocent me got dragged in.

They are jus making themselves a laughing stock.

Right now i feel handicapped as still not very clear of the industry and also not strong with maths and statistics. But But But, yes! y do we have words like 'but'? cos situation can turn u noe! If u read my previous posting, see my proverb haaaa

(3) Clothes and wet weather
Dread it! jeans taking more days to dry. And w/o sun, the clothes jus had this v damp feel and unpleasant smell :(

Maybe a v strong reason to buy more clothes liao

(4) Injured Tummy n massage
Yesterday went to Cathay building for a massage at Elements Spa.
Was then introudced to this slimming machine called wat RF roller.
GOSH it was hellish. Aft 30 min, 'lost' 1/2 inch. In return patches of blue black and u dun know how painful it is! Cannot talk, walk, move. Every slight movement caused real pain :(

But i sign up masage package instead. Cos decided not to go for machine but massage. This package allows me to pick from a list of massage, facial, hot pool spa. It is by credit system. Hence if i go for a simple massage, it allows me 24 times. But if i choose others, then less. Decided i will go for the hot pool spa or slimming massage+wrap or simply massage.

(5) Korea Won
My first and probably last trip to Korea was last Nov. Still left about $500 worth of Korea Won. But realise that SGD appreciates alot. Hence now to convert back to SGD, i gotta lose out abt $40! :( But it is better to exchange back then to leave it to depreciate further. And well there is a classmate who recalled i am looking for buyer and offered to buy from me. As usual i dun really too particular with friend and rather he go and find out current rate and pay me accordingly. Not use to negotiatate with friend mah. And still it is more worth to lose out to friend than to money exchanger lah, tat is my philosophy.

This amt exchanged back can cover massage package

Money too little as usual

(6) Laundry
After typing sooo much, finally towels are ready for hanging. Yes, now is 1242am and my washing machine is beeping real loud. Neighbour downstair must be cursing again

Yawn yawn

Gotta hang towels and then proceed to bed room. So tire but it takes me a long time to sleep. too use to read abit and listen to radio before knocking off unconsciously.

Hopefully not waking up intermittently. This happens becos aft 3 yrs of working at own time own target, have to force oneself to wake up at 650am n sandwich on MRT!. Sometimes i tend to look back. If m still in PA, goin to work at 1030 is nothing u know!

gone are the days. m now jus a stupid executive

haaaa u gain some u lose alot mah

Dedicate to 2 women who cat fight. Disgrace to womanhood



Saturday, December 08, 2007


Friend commented it was long time since my last entry.


Was lazy (LAH!)

Quite an episode this period. Yap n i created it!~ as usual (BAH!)

Will pen down later.

But now i wanna to give my two cents worth of a show - 宫S.

Today is the last Episode. At point of typing this, it is still going on.

Actually din really follow this drama. At such age, tried not to and hardly will want to follow a long series. It made an ageing person more aged!

There are two princes (which i din bother to recall their name). But the 'fake' prince suffering made me empathise with him.

There are always two sides to a coin. People tend to envy the better side of the other, for instance, 'o he is a royal member'. But there are the other side of his story.

He can choose to remain wat he is and then follow his dad plan to take over the throne. But human beings are really complex! People just do not like to take cue from others. That is why u hear 'defy destiny' such sayings. People feel breathless when they cannot take own control. Many are willing to face any consequences for OWN decision.

But life gets twists in many occasions. It is how the person perceive and steer the wheel of life, get drifted, and of cos threshold is another important factor.

Got drifted the past few months. Last week i stood up to own belief and fought for change.

Today it seems to get better but another uncertainties set in - (1) if the change is real (2) if real, can i cope? no, sorry not 'cope' but 'EXCEL'.

There must be another wave i am to create in my career. It has since 3yrs+ i feel real at work- CONTRIBUTING and STAY RELEVANCE