Sunday, December 23, 2007

Help out @ Christmas Charity Bizzard

Today is finally the day i have to help out at our company charity function.

Went out house at 8.45am despite sale to be start at 10am. Din want to be late and thought it was good to go early n set up.

Reached venue at about 9.40am n no one there. Luckily a aunty came and she spoke to me. At first got abit panic as not sure which stall meant for me. All were covered up with canvas. Finally managed to settle down.

At 1020am, my 'buddy' had not turn up. Quite piss as got to set up stall. And no one to brief. Then came a guy who was suppose ( i still think) e main organiser. He came and was telling me wat to do, set up this and that. Well, ur friend here of cos not happy. Told him to go and set up the hook for hanging clothes instead :P e wife was rather rude and the kid was helping in an unhelpful way!

Finally 'buddy' came.

In between, was rather shocked that ppl actually came and bought items. I was like the first among all to start having biz (so pleased). I din really bother when ppl came over as was setting up stall. But it was quite interesting and abit cunning of me lah. I jus let the kids play with the toys and guess the mummIES were feelin abit bad and hence bought the items haaaaaa. Maybe i should credit my display strategy. Place those Pokemon CDs prominently and some toys that were so handy for kids to touch n play haaa

My buddy was such a quiet person and she jus took one of the books to read. So i kept running to another stall to chit with other colleagues (whom i still dun know their names haaa).

As mentioned, there are unsolicited sales n tend to come over to me heehee.

At about 11+, i was getting very tire already. My chair was taken by 'buddy' so was standing there for an hour over. Finally 'buddy' realised that and got me a chair haa.

So wat were we selling? GOSH... 2nd hand items. There are kiddy toys and 2nd hand books. And some other environmental books by a society.

At 12+, 'buddy' and i each read own books. And realised that only me tend to give silly smile whenever someone approach our stall.

At 2+, two veteran staff came and told us excitedly that they bought more things to sell. Was anticipating for better quality thingys. But...... almost faint! WOnder who were those ppl who so bad give bad and smelly clothings for sale! i mean even if we are talking about 2nd hand items here, there must be QC mah!!!

Still feel abit sour. I think that 'buddy' din wan to dig through the stack n got me do it. The pungent smell and disgusting stain on those clothes really make me puke!! And my face got itch, guessed must be the dirt flying ard.

In the end, we jus put two boxes meant for toys and clothes separately. Managed to dig out a colourful pants and put it on top purposely. Guess wat! Bingo!! ppl actually buy it. GOSH.

There was a v touching moment. An aunty came over with a pile of books and told us that since it was meant for charity, she took her daughter's unused novels to contribute to our pool of items to sell. At least the novels are well maintained.

Left the place at 230pm. We had more cash than wat was recorded. Guess i must have forgotten to record down haaaaa.

Headed down to another level. got a xmas present and then pairs of shoes. As usual, it took me jus than 3 min to buy the shoes. Buying shoes go by the heart. If the design or the look catch my heart and price is ok (my ok is really like less than $20) will ask for the size walk 3 steps, check the quality and pay. No dilly dally hee

Nothing for tops as i m too fat liao. Really nowadays sizes r shrinking. YUCK!

Spoke to my ex collauge for almost an hour on the phone. Was very touched that some of them stil rem me and wanted to invite me over to their Xmas office party. But declined. Dont think appropriate for me to appear now that there are some internal politics. Better let them bond. Hopefully they will iron out conflicts asap. Very heartache. As it took me so much efforts to get a team and built their espirt de corp (lookin back, i actually transferred some who like to create office politics out of it despite lack manpower, but everyone were willing to take on more work). But it jus take one to two people who cannot split work and r'ship to ruin it. Anyway m in no position to say anything.


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