Saturday, December 08, 2007


Friend commented it was long time since my last entry.


Was lazy (LAH!)

Quite an episode this period. Yap n i created it!~ as usual (BAH!)

Will pen down later.

But now i wanna to give my two cents worth of a show - 宫S.

Today is the last Episode. At point of typing this, it is still going on.

Actually din really follow this drama. At such age, tried not to and hardly will want to follow a long series. It made an ageing person more aged!

There are two princes (which i din bother to recall their name). But the 'fake' prince suffering made me empathise with him.

There are always two sides to a coin. People tend to envy the better side of the other, for instance, 'o he is a royal member'. But there are the other side of his story.

He can choose to remain wat he is and then follow his dad plan to take over the throne. But human beings are really complex! People just do not like to take cue from others. That is why u hear 'defy destiny' such sayings. People feel breathless when they cannot take own control. Many are willing to face any consequences for OWN decision.

But life gets twists in many occasions. It is how the person perceive and steer the wheel of life, get drifted, and of cos threshold is another important factor.

Got drifted the past few months. Last week i stood up to own belief and fought for change.

Today it seems to get better but another uncertainties set in - (1) if the change is real (2) if real, can i cope? no, sorry not 'cope' but 'EXCEL'.

There must be another wave i am to create in my career. It has since 3yrs+ i feel real at work- CONTRIBUTING and STAY RELEVANCE

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