Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fragmented thoughts

(1) On Translation Course

Gotta attend three lessons this week. One addition on thursday is meant to replace the one which lecturer overslept. Of cos, if u know me well, i am indeed very unhappy about it!

Anyway today managed to force myself to class despite the rain and really thankful the rain ceased on time for me to walk over from office to school without wet :)

It was still fruitful at class. Actually more fruitful. At least today i can understand at lest 80% as compared to the previous.

And there is something i m not proud to anounce but thought good to declare and confess here. Probably friends already know and put up with my that really 'cannot make it' english grammar. Haaaaaa really lah, when certain culture and vocab sink into ur everyday use, subconsciously u jus take it like a matter-of-fact.

Lecturer mentioned that alot of our spoken Singlish derive from confusion or infusion of Mandarin/Chinese into English. For instant, i m the constant culprit of 'eaten already', 'eat liao'

Well, have even coined 'done-D' to stress that the particular task is done.

That is the fusion between english and chinese. haaaaaa

So gulity and upset when lecturer said that she believes ppl like us who attend translation course... that our english should be powerful. :P nope i m not!

Nevertheless, i am jus one of those KS Singaporean MAH. Everything know abit here and there and no wiser of any. So becos i can read A-Z and abit of a,e,u,o,i and there i sign up for this cse :P

No no, not giving up and cry baby i cannot do this and that or bad at this and that. Jus continue to learn n beat myself. Cultivate and excel.

Many things have proven i m bad at this and that, it is getting bored. I wanna to have things to quantify i have improve.

:) Figher mangojo this moment

(2) At work

Too lazy to describe what happen but witnessed two silly women catfight in the office. One is a Snr Mgr and the other a Mgr. N as usual innocent me got dragged in.

They are jus making themselves a laughing stock.

Right now i feel handicapped as still not very clear of the industry and also not strong with maths and statistics. But But But, yes! y do we have words like 'but'? cos situation can turn u noe! If u read my previous posting, see my proverb haaaa

(3) Clothes and wet weather
Dread it! jeans taking more days to dry. And w/o sun, the clothes jus had this v damp feel and unpleasant smell :(

Maybe a v strong reason to buy more clothes liao

(4) Injured Tummy n massage
Yesterday went to Cathay building for a massage at Elements Spa.
Was then introudced to this slimming machine called wat RF roller.
GOSH it was hellish. Aft 30 min, 'lost' 1/2 inch. In return patches of blue black and u dun know how painful it is! Cannot talk, walk, move. Every slight movement caused real pain :(

But i sign up masage package instead. Cos decided not to go for machine but massage. This package allows me to pick from a list of massage, facial, hot pool spa. It is by credit system. Hence if i go for a simple massage, it allows me 24 times. But if i choose others, then less. Decided i will go for the hot pool spa or slimming massage+wrap or simply massage.

(5) Korea Won
My first and probably last trip to Korea was last Nov. Still left about $500 worth of Korea Won. But realise that SGD appreciates alot. Hence now to convert back to SGD, i gotta lose out abt $40! :( But it is better to exchange back then to leave it to depreciate further. And well there is a classmate who recalled i am looking for buyer and offered to buy from me. As usual i dun really too particular with friend and rather he go and find out current rate and pay me accordingly. Not use to negotiatate with friend mah. And still it is more worth to lose out to friend than to money exchanger lah, tat is my philosophy.

This amt exchanged back can cover massage package

Money too little as usual

(6) Laundry
After typing sooo much, finally towels are ready for hanging. Yes, now is 1242am and my washing machine is beeping real loud. Neighbour downstair must be cursing again

Yawn yawn

Gotta hang towels and then proceed to bed room. So tire but it takes me a long time to sleep. too use to read abit and listen to radio before knocking off unconsciously.

Hopefully not waking up intermittently. This happens becos aft 3 yrs of working at own time own target, have to force oneself to wake up at 650am n sandwich on MRT!. Sometimes i tend to look back. If m still in PA, goin to work at 1030 is nothing u know!

gone are the days. m now jus a stupid executive

haaaa u gain some u lose alot mah

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