Tuesday, January 01, 2008

NY Eve

It was only a half day biz at work.

Shamefully it was only 2 hours ;P cos i let myself slack from 10am onwards

I guess at abt 10-11am, emailed and phoned Sleepy. Thought that since i worked in town which is so near to Sleepy's office, have never dated her for lunch. Partly her lunch time is different from mine. Also it is still consider a 15min walk to her office which is tough heehee.

So we met for lunch on NY eve. It was really a cool idea, aftwhich we will say 'see you next yr' hee. We went Clarify Cafe and chat continuously while eating. The usual from work, r'ship, what's happening and what happened to friends. This is really the kind of serene life i look for after resigning from PA. Or else, i will be busy with Eve'countdown event(s), struggling at CC.

On way home, decided to walk ard Central. Tried my luck on eyebrow trimming w/o appointment and bought myself a hand & feet theraphy lotion at O2. Ok, i could not resist to this facial service that the sales gal kept bugging so bought a session to try. It costs $90! Trying out next week. Pls remind me not to sign the package. Cos it is like $120 per session. Actually have already used up my savings so there is nothing much left in the bank. Staying alone and having to shoulder the heaviest load for allowance to my own family really exhausted everything i have. Next year is worst, having my bro going to Poly. Felt bad i cant let him go JC and University. V useless sister.

Back to topic, prior meeting Sleepy, went to library. And was so happy to know that we can borrow double loads from Nov to Jan. Learnt news abit late but managed to get two audio books - For one more day and another one which author is unknown to me. He has a series of stories which attracted me so that i can rush all on NY day. 'For one more day' consists of 3 CDs, this is the last one i m hearing now. Actually aimed for 'the 5 people you met in heaven' but was not available. This 'For one more day' is very sad and really made many esp me guilty.

Audio books are good, the author read own story hence can feel that there is more emotions. Also allow me to multi task at same time. So i actually clean my room while listening to the story, weeping at times.

There is this part that mentioned the author's mum having to face finger pointing and discrimination as that era Divorce is a taboo and women must always be the one at fault! While situation has improved tremodously over decades, there is undenial that discrimination and ridicule still exist. I face that constantly. From nasty to innocently blurt of words on me..... For instance, awkward situation arises when bounce into old lost friend. And the person will give that pathetic look and said 'o so pitiful'. Almost same words and expressions. Heehee i gradually give benefits of doubts that ppl dun know how to react. So took the role of reassuring people that i am ok ;P Baby, the world wont collapse (or for too long). When people face adverse situation, bravey will kick in :) Even if happy occasions like pregnancy, people still need to have that bravey to prepare for parenthood :) get wat i meant?

Change subject.....

At yesterday nite, only watched tv, hear the story, surfing Reader's Digest and msn with a few friends, including ex-hubby (er.. it a bit complicated, legally not done but we alrady regard ourselves as ex liao hee). he asked y i din go out and party and offer me soem money cos i told him i no money. Hee i always think he felt guilty i alone. Aiyo, reasons for not going out consist mainly afraid of crowd. And and like wat my msn mentioned. I actually wanted to sleep through the change of year! For past years, i had to put on smile, pretend happy and excited and do Countdown event that myself felt program was so lame. N this morning i felt so peaceful and good. Had good revenge. heehee

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