Thursday, January 10, 2008


Recently realise that the PA batch of older young ladies are leaping into another phrase in life - marrying and even getting pregnant or bearing e thoughts already.

It is really a clear sign of time and 'aging'. Looking back,e first time i met them, they were jus little proud uni fresh grads ;P

I got ROM at 24 yrs old. That time i only know i like to be in love and thought of love n got ROM. Despite many obstacles and unstability. But pregnancy was never in my mind. I belive in married life but defy routine family life. Did not and still do not belive that you need kids in order to make a complete family. Call me selfish, i wanna love and with love carry strength to do and achieve many other things in life.

Today, my marriage collapsed. Many commented others were terriby to show sympathy. Some comments naturally link 'complete family life' to the failure. But i still do not see the link.

Yes, even if i still have a happy marriage, i gurantee that having kid is never a mission i have. Not a slight thought at all!

Maybe i will regret as age. The usual thing of being alone and no one to look after. But then again having kids is also no guarantee that u be taken care of. It is not a negative thought. Just to denote that kids does not alway equal to security in old age.

I could be using entire life to search for my life mission. But if my stream of thoughts is laid in such way, i cant but to say m willing to do that n not to go with the USUAL flow.

so personal and so dark side of mangojo

1 comment:

The Four Musketeers said...

Haha...I think I know what spurs this post. I read that too :P

I just to tell my girlfriends (when we were in sec sch) that I wish to get married at age 21, immed after grad, and have a dozen of kids.

But as I grow up, my maternal instinct dropped to almost nil. So I think my wishful thinking back then...was actually a tell-tale sign: From teenage years, I didnt feel like working! Haha.

But no such luck. So I have to slog away. And when I may contemplate for a kid few years down the road, I also scared at the end of the day, the kid depends on me more than I can depend on him/her leh. Wah lao...think my diminishing CPF/savings. HAHA!

- Ms Tan
(this blogspot is dead, i'm at multiply, not that it's very alive either)