Wednesday, August 29, 2007

i will miss........ e serenity n freedom of thoughts n control of own time

Review of the break i had jus taken...... which is ending soon

Hmmmmmm a quick summary of some of my achievements during these 2 mths break.
(1) Read a few books that i have wanted but never get time to read. It is reading in peace (aside juggling with homework).
(2) Cooking! From messy and 'forget to put this, forget to put that' to now commanding the kitchen :)
(3) Did eyebrows reshaped
(4) Learnt to do hula hoop n now up to 54 times (highest record as at today. To think i started no long ago n u know my patience is not there for phsyical actions ;)
(5) Spring Cleaning. Even 'mop' the walls. Ok, dun say about now, cos back to square one
(6) achieved self enlightenment in marriage and divorce philosophy

Now wat's next?

How to get up in the morning and still breathing by 10am.
How not to overslept n miss work!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New aim has arrived

Time really can heal wound? i think not really. But it makes a person more sober n less emotional.

When emotional detached over time, the impact is not as bad as it first collided into my life.

Wasted 10 yrs of my life n i get nothing out of it.

Coping well n found back old love. Oops not a person. It's a dream. N that dream i will work toward it. Dream is own, nobody can deprive me of it. I wont be felt cheated. Human r devilish at heart generally. It the dream in own heart that will never betray oneself.


Monday, August 27, 2007

A light heart lives long.静以修身。
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。
All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。
A man becomes learned by asking questions.不耻下问才能有学问。
A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里。
A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。
A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.身正不怕影子斜。
Cannot see the wood for the trees.一叶障目,不见泰山。
Caution is the parent of safety.小心驶得万年船。
Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。
Diamond cuts diamond.强中自有强中手。
Do as you would be done by.己所不欲,勿施于人。
Don‘t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.不要班门弄斧。
False friends are worse than bitter enemies.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
Fools grow without watering.朽木不可雕。
Fortune knocks once at least at every man‘s gate.风水轮流转。
Harm set, harm get.害人害己。
He knows most who speaks least大智若愚。
Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。


It meant there is no royal road to learning.

i think that is really e word to describe current dealing with translation.

really 'lost in translation'!

e more you learn the lesser u know. There is alway so much to learn

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pardon me, it's doing a cse with a bad bad mood!

I still believe in lifelong upgrading.

I still look forward to getting this Post Grad Dip.

Yes, i bitch about the hardships.

Now i bitch abotu the ppl encountered.

I think hardship like trying to get assignment done, study for exams still are quite managable. But i hate on ppl r'ship. Cos i dun pay to get such shit from ppl mah!!!

let see wat further development. I din really wan to show my true colour. But if need be i think she will regret.

In addition, lecturer like dun like me. But it not new rite? ppl dun really like me initially. But when they start talkin to me then they realise i m normal.

Work hard hard hard

Need to stay alive releveantly.

Dun push ur luck too far

i m super irritated by this woman

Not that i always unhappy with things. But......

Always talk abt her family matters. Wat she say, wat her son say, wat her mother say, wat her colelagues say.

When lecture time, either she still rattle on or she be super KS. Lecturer jus said 'turn to page xx', she will like a pig, repeat n ask 'wat page har'. then lecturer said sth n i jot it down,she will always peep. N sometimes even QUESTION wat i m writing. Believe me it is really QUESTION.

She likes to command ppl to do things also.

N now project got stuck to do with her.

Dread it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tuesdays with Morrie

" I wont allow myself any more self pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that's all"

"How useful it is to put a daily limit on self pity"

"Learn how to die and you learn how to live"

"As you grow, you learn more"

"Aging is not just decay, It is growth"

"Its more than the negative that you are going to die, it's also positive that you understand you're going to die and that you live a better life because of it."

"Because if you have found meaning in your life, you dont want to go back'. You want to look forwrd. You want to see more, do more."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thank you for the blessings

Today i went to the driving centre with a heavy heart. Been out of action for 10mths n finally made myself go n try again.

Guess ppl will know why i out of action so long. the day he came with that forceful 'offer' i was devastated. Din want to touch driving cos i know i cant concentrate n it is bad for me, instructor n the road users. Also the minor operation i had caused me tooo much pain n my shoulders were really painful n soar for like 3-4mths.

Due to the changing weather, i been checking out for today's weather. It was no good. Supposed to have thunderstorm.

So heart was heavy. Already no confident n with storm it will really add pressure for me.

Sent sms to friends jus before i walked into the circuit. Got good encouragement. Thanks, friends.

The instructor i paid extra to book is really a nice uncle. U know my anxiety kind of wipe out half when he assured me no prob. I told him that watever difficulty through his mouth become soooooo easy :P :)

N it did not rain n not over bright too (din have sunglasses anymore. The sky kind of 'hold' the clouds. It only pour (abit) after my lesson. I felt being blessed to let me continue to find courage and make it so much smoother for me to get back my engine. Thank you really really soo much!

Now i have a prob.. a persistence one. Still cannot get parrallel n vertical parking rite. When i do this, i forget that. Just emailed Florence. Hope she kind to write sth.

Not gifted in driving

After every lesson...i know lesser n lesser.. so much more to learn

Man proposes and God disposes

The weakest goes to the wall

to kick against the pricks

to give the last measure of devotion

to suffer from one's wisdom

what's done cannot be undone

to be severe with oneself and lenient with others

Pride goes before a fall

This class i realised they are all superb with their chinese language. One even caught e lecturer off guard with her 'chim' answer!

V inferior n stress.

But there is a saying..... 自己的天空。 everyone will find own niche somehow. I may not be the outstanding or even good ones in the class. But will excel myself over me


Monday, August 20, 2007

Old love still e best wahahahahaha

All these years somehow still my idol Andy Lau help me through many tough period.

I like his philosophy. He ever said he is a fountain, the more pressure added, the higher the water will shoot up.

Ok ok beside tat, of cos his look and most importantly his voice tat attracts me lah...

Not all his songs are good. But some really catchy ones n fit his vocal can be touching man!

Recent exam was not a good one to study for. Lost interst somemore. so went to look for this song 暗里着迷 n played continuously to keep me fantasizing and read my notes. heehee

Funi hor? so old liao still like htat.

Guess, a person at wat age still has a child in him/her lah.

No rest assure, i never gone to '追星" when young hence u wont find me at this age go n crash with the youngsters to see him lah........ dun ever suggest me to pay to see his concert watever. i no budge. But if u wan to grant my lifelong wish, pls donate over heehee

Sunday, August 19, 2007

National Day Rally

It is of every Singaporean interest to get ourselves updated through watching the Rally. However do not understand why all channels MUST feature it.

They can exclude entertaining channels like Channel U & Chanel 5 mah.

So many details given. Of cos there were light moments with some more sensitive policies like up CPF drawn out date.

Work work work, slog slog slog until ur last breath!

I already forsee my prob. No own family, no own house, not enough insurance coverage, no good academics results, no good job (prospect and monetary), no brain!


No pessimistic. It is all REAL

Now u wan, now u dun!

When out with friends, i hope to be back at home doing some readings or study.

Today there is no plan for anything (Still cannot combat fear of going back to driving and also the weather given me a not bad excuse to avoid it). Hence it is a at home whole day schedule.

Well, now hoping to be out playing.. but i know i wont really will enjoy

complex being

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sat-18 Aug

Morning - wee hours
Had bad dream. Dreamt that i woke up at 9am whr exam is at 10am!! Can even recall how panicky i was n tried to outbeat time to get myself to the exam venue! Jus when i was abt to give up, i woke up! whew.. it was 6.20am. Laze till 7am n finally got myself up. Reached school at 9.20am.

Exam was not v good. The questions i should admit are meant to rack ur brain, unlike the previous one. It now depend how persuasive my writings n arguments are. I thought the lecturer was kind to be there throughout the exam. Din see the first one did that. But as nobody thanked or greet him i dare not appracoh. dun wan ppl to throw tomatoes at me.

Had foot bath and reflexology at chinatown. Was more fancinated by the footbath actually. To me foot reflex is really luxourious n would prefer body massage than that. Costs me $50 (GOSH). Still think the Batam n Bangkok ones are better.

Then Olivia n me went to meet up with Zess for show. I like her sms last night, sth like ' ... for movie.. must go hor' cos she knew i HARDLY watch movie. "Bourne Ultimatum" very action pack (fei hua) but storyline is really stale.

Came back earlier as do not want to come back to this 'not big but very empty house' late. At the train, this 'soya sauce' couple treated the pole like coconut tree. Both holding on to the pole, standing behind n caressing each other.. haaaaaa

Somebody sms to tell me that he has a blog n his children were so amused. Me too!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


My younger bro put in his msn.
Meant for him n me! wahahahahaha

Must strive harder
Cannot afford to lose more.
A badly failed marriage is enough to kick my ass hard

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

See this pic, need i say more?

Gotten lousy results


no motivation already

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


just when i need sth to point out some unreasonable annual recurring incident, this one comes in handy. (also pondering y this was sent to me)

Some people suffer maybe 1-2 in life, whic to many e downturn was not so bad afterall. But because they think their sufffering is most unbearing, the whole world has to be with them. Then when situation turn n they become blessed again, they forgot they did suffer before. So when they are blessed they also expect the whole world to evolve around their WANTs.

Wat u did to help them during their downturn is now nothing. Because when u fail to meet their want, u r 'lousy'.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

HR Saga

First time such thing happen.

It is not new to me to study a part time course. But nothing dramatic like this happen.

Students protest not to have 2 assignments.

Then principal came for a feedback session.

Then the only man in the class wrote an email that stipulate sexual discrimination.

In the first place, do not understand how he interprete that teaching a class makeup mainly of women can be challenging.

His email tried to put very nice words for the lecturer, put the women down n said he himself done what was needed.

That was still fine. For that discrimination, i would only view that this man is shallow.

Yesterday he wrote another email quite unexpectedly. He cited he agreed with 'all' that the lecture is bad. Thunderous i tell u! Do not think 'all' said that. Anyway even ppl like me who voice out some feedback did not say lecture is bad. The truth casted is that he has yet to do the assignment n he does not know how.

Which contrast significantly from his first email.

I am not here to gossip about him.

But think the act is really selfish. If he is unhappy, voice as he is. Dun drag all in.

So many saga for a course. Group internal conflict also email to whole class.

Make me feel rather disinterested. If again, such email war out, m going to tell him off. Dun send junk mail over.

Anyway, jus to share some background about the complains from the class.
Some do not want 2 assginments cos no time as it is intensive course.

I do not go against 2 assignments as if it is requirement, jolly well get my ass on it. But feedback as extracted below:

"This is not the first time i take up a part time course. Having deal with a few Not-for-Profit and even Non Profit institutions, i would say this round, some things came quite a shock to me.

Notes - it is really quite distasteful to not have notes printed for us for the lesson on time. Regardless of where the fault lie, this should not happen again. In anyway, decent things meant for a class/lesson are (1) Classroom, (2) Visual aids like projector, (3) Lecture Notes, (4) Lecturer with good knowledge and vast applicable experiences to share. Surely this is not too much an expectation?!?

Reading Materials - Our TIGHT schedule is not a secret. We attend lessons on Fri nite, Sat & Sun full day. If lecturer require us to have some material notes to read esp meant for exam purpose, it is reasonable to provide instead of having us searching around for the textbook. Sad to say we do not really have that luxury of time. Wonder if institution brief lecturers on such constraint during engagement? It is important for them to understand as Intensive Course may be quite a new concept to most.

Arrangement during Sundays - It is rather unfair to the lecturer to look after the classroom when we need go for lunch. I rem last Sunday Mr PBS has to skip his lunch as he cannot find the caretaker to lock up the classroom. Mr Adrain Wong had his fair share also. Coordination needs to be tightened.

Understand this is the first Intensive intake hence likely to have many things not well thought of. But really hope the future arrangements will improve significantly. We have 3 more modules to go...."



V early this morning about 2am, had a chat with a friend over msn on how vulnerable ppl can to afraid to lose what we have. The more force u add in attemp to retain sth, e more it will go..

i like Sun's song 握紧. tat part of lyrics say alot.

It is not about only lover/relationship. jus anything


Dental Dentist

Aug is the Healthy Teeth Month.

U get to have free consultation with some participating dental clinic.

Missed out using ex co's benefit for dental care.

Went ytd, purposely picked a higher class one cos consultation is free n to save their reputation, they will give a thorough better analysis. Smart mango!

Yap. alot of good tips

But not the costs quoted.

Unfortunately i do not dig gold. $600 for a molar filing is sth i gues i do it in dream.

Gonna to get treatment from neighbourhood clinic.

Btw, do ur dental floss. Sth i never really believe now i do!

N dentist recommend this satin one as i was/still worry that flossing can create bigger gap in between teeth. She said this is more gentle.

Ok, Oral B better pay me for promoting ur product!!

Am taking Calcium tablet from today onwards. Old already everything must take care not cos of vain. Just do not wan to invite unncessary breakdown that can cost great bomb.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


erratic mind.

think sooner or later i will stay in IMH. No joke

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

behind the scene

Always glam to see the stage but behind the scene.......

lesson to learn: dun be distracted when peeling waterchest nut. No i wont hate u...

Part 2: Chef Jo

Take so long to load one pic. Chicken already in my stomach liao. Which mean tonite no chicken heehee

Lunch & Dinner today :)

Er.. i dun know how to have few pics in one post lei..

Chef Jo creates Vege mix soup
Main leads: Cabbage, Carrot, Mushrooms
Supporting Lead: 1 pc of chicken (that's wat i left with)
Extras: Sour plum, shallots, light soya sauce, ginger slices, waterchest nuts
Never invited: MSG

Grading: ******

to be continued....

say not busy actually m

counting days...


no confident to wake early n not falling sick!