Saturday, August 11, 2007

HR Saga

First time such thing happen.

It is not new to me to study a part time course. But nothing dramatic like this happen.

Students protest not to have 2 assignments.

Then principal came for a feedback session.

Then the only man in the class wrote an email that stipulate sexual discrimination.

In the first place, do not understand how he interprete that teaching a class makeup mainly of women can be challenging.

His email tried to put very nice words for the lecturer, put the women down n said he himself done what was needed.

That was still fine. For that discrimination, i would only view that this man is shallow.

Yesterday he wrote another email quite unexpectedly. He cited he agreed with 'all' that the lecture is bad. Thunderous i tell u! Do not think 'all' said that. Anyway even ppl like me who voice out some feedback did not say lecture is bad. The truth casted is that he has yet to do the assignment n he does not know how.

Which contrast significantly from his first email.

I am not here to gossip about him.

But think the act is really selfish. If he is unhappy, voice as he is. Dun drag all in.

So many saga for a course. Group internal conflict also email to whole class.

Make me feel rather disinterested. If again, such email war out, m going to tell him off. Dun send junk mail over.

Anyway, jus to share some background about the complains from the class.
Some do not want 2 assginments cos no time as it is intensive course.

I do not go against 2 assignments as if it is requirement, jolly well get my ass on it. But feedback as extracted below:

"This is not the first time i take up a part time course. Having deal with a few Not-for-Profit and even Non Profit institutions, i would say this round, some things came quite a shock to me.

Notes - it is really quite distasteful to not have notes printed for us for the lesson on time. Regardless of where the fault lie, this should not happen again. In anyway, decent things meant for a class/lesson are (1) Classroom, (2) Visual aids like projector, (3) Lecture Notes, (4) Lecturer with good knowledge and vast applicable experiences to share. Surely this is not too much an expectation?!?

Reading Materials - Our TIGHT schedule is not a secret. We attend lessons on Fri nite, Sat & Sun full day. If lecturer require us to have some material notes to read esp meant for exam purpose, it is reasonable to provide instead of having us searching around for the textbook. Sad to say we do not really have that luxury of time. Wonder if institution brief lecturers on such constraint during engagement? It is important for them to understand as Intensive Course may be quite a new concept to most.

Arrangement during Sundays - It is rather unfair to the lecturer to look after the classroom when we need go for lunch. I rem last Sunday Mr PBS has to skip his lunch as he cannot find the caretaker to lock up the classroom. Mr Adrain Wong had his fair share also. Coordination needs to be tightened.

Understand this is the first Intensive intake hence likely to have many things not well thought of. But really hope the future arrangements will improve significantly. We have 3 more modules to go...."

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