Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pardon me, it's doing a cse with a bad bad mood!

I still believe in lifelong upgrading.

I still look forward to getting this Post Grad Dip.

Yes, i bitch about the hardships.

Now i bitch abotu the ppl encountered.

I think hardship like trying to get assignment done, study for exams still are quite managable. But i hate on ppl r'ship. Cos i dun pay to get such shit from ppl mah!!!

let see wat further development. I din really wan to show my true colour. But if need be i think she will regret.

In addition, lecturer like dun like me. But it not new rite? ppl dun really like me initially. But when they start talkin to me then they realise i m normal.

Work hard hard hard

Need to stay alive releveantly.

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