Saturday, October 07, 2006

Haze n Daze

Not a good day..

Woke up at 4am and by the time 6+ fell asleep, the next moment i found myself woke up late for my work appointment.

Haiz.. quite piss... kinda of book cab to rush down but the other party was late. But i m paid staff so cannot say anything.

Then suppose to go for the trial theory test. In the end forsake and forgo that $5+. Haze & Daze.

Intend to go home after getting necessities from Compass Point but end up binging on Jnr Carls at Marina Sq.

Quite satisfy as i bought Fancl eye mask and facial mask. But now (after tryin to apply) very unhappy. The salesgal did not really bother to explain in details on how to use it. And the instructions all in Jap! Idiot, now thinkin of writign sth to complain against the counter gal.

O dear, i have stopped driving for 1 week and now like cannot rem how to do S n Crank Curves, Reverse direction and vertical parking. Wonder tmr if i request instructor to teach again, will he/she take me as alien...

Me is always like that.. can rem word by word but when come to hands on, gosh. Frantically searchin on the theory book but they all reflecting on manual car.. another piss me off thing ;P

I hope i can wake up on time tmr. And hope not so hazey. I like hazel nuts but not haze. Cant breathe well n super worry for my little bro.

Tmr after driving will have to rem to grab necessities from watson. Then take lunch and buy some snacks becos gotten attend a wedding dinner and usually not to early, got to wait and wait.

Recently spent too much. I think my bank a/c cannot tahan liao.. gosh.. turn old, being desserted can really make one imbalance

i wish to get more courage and go temple to pray. but i really scare to make that move. I have really let down Buddha with all my wrongdoings.

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